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g..12.Thecomplete chainfix range with ordering options From page 1392 Moving end Fixed end Option: steel mounting bracket, pivoting.C 34500 34800 .12 34510 34810 .12.12 A [mm] 050.C 34510 34810 .A2 .12.200.. Possible orientations for KMA mounting brackets. ▼ 34500 34800 .12.C.250..12.. full set locking Number of teeth with tiewrap plates without tiewrap plates with tiewrap plates without tiewrap plates 28 53 78 93 103 128 153 178 203 228 Full set with tiewrap plate cable tiewraps, please add index K1.12.12PZ 5 075.A . ▼ 3125.125. 34500 for half e-tube series 3450 KMA pivoting Part No.34PZBK1 Width index Part No.12.12 3050.34PZ 3075. 2PZ(B) 3075.34PZ 3115.12PZB 3125. 3PZ(B) .225.12PZB 3175.12 ● Locking connections One part (2-piece) for all e-chain® widths Electrically conductive Front view of KMA KMA pivoting Recommended for unsupported applications KMA locking Recommended for vertical hanging and standing applications E2/000 e-tubes 3450·3480 Accessories KMA mounting brackets Attachment from any side Pivoting Locking Moving end Fixed end Strainreliefe.34PZB 3100.C 34510 34810 .34PZB 3200.12 100.C 34510 34810 . ▼ 34500 34800 .100.175.12PZ 15 175.12PZ 17 200. ▼ 3200.A E2/zipper A2/A4 solo E2 A2 +A4 solo T3 solo E3 AE version 01 E3 AE version 02 . ▼ 3115.100.12 34510 34810 .A . For e-chains® and e-tubes, Part No. ▼ 34500 34800 .A3 .A1, .050.34PZB. ▼ 34500 34800 . 2 34500.225.12.12PZB 3100.A4 E4 ALLE ohne c-Profil .115.12PZ 7 100.C 34510 34810 .34PZ 3050.12PZB 3225.12 250.igus. full set pivoting Part No.250. receive mounting brackets pre-fitted please add index . 34810 for full e-tube series 3480 (KMA polymer metal mounting bracket) Order example to indicate option with brackets pre-fitted C-profile option Full set width index Series Order example to indicate option with brackets pre-fitted With integrated strain relief tiewrap plates Full set Series Possible variations for assembled mounting brackets.igus.. Thecomplete chainfix range with ordering options From page 1392 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.34PZ 3225.igus.34PZ 3175. 25 .150.250. 34510 for half e-tube series 3450 KMA locking Part No.C 34500 34800 .12PZ 12 150.A2, .12. ▼ 34500 34800 .150.A4 .12PZB 3250..eu/3480 E2/000 e-tubes 3450·3480 Accessories Mounting brackets, polymer Pivoting Locking Polymer pivoting Recommended for unsupported applications Polymer locking Recommended for vertical hanging and standing applications Strainreliefe.C 34510 34810 .12.050.A1 .2 60 20 7 60 40 8 20 2 t 8 10 53° 90° 53° 90° 53° 53° 90° 90° 3 .34PZB 3050.12. ▼ 3225.12PZB 3075.12 075.C 34510 34810 .A4 More information www.075.200.5 5.075.. ▼ 3100.A1, .A2 .12PZ 20 225.C 34500 34800 .. full set KMA pivoting1) Part No.34PZ 3250.A .12PZB 3150.34PZB 3175.A4 .A4.A2 A [mm] B [mm] 050.12PZB 3200.12 125. 3000.075.12.34PZ 3200.12 34510 34810 ..175. ▼ 3250.12 225.C 34500 34800 . Example: 3250.A2 . ▼ 3175.5 82 22 82 15 +13 = A + 24 = B +13 = A 82 15 82 15 22 3400 3450 5° 24° 5° 10° 45° 45° 45° 45° 3450 34500 34510 . Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) ..432 3450 3480 Ba A A Ba 16/90° 17 34 40 t 8 8.C 34510 34810 .12.125.A3 .12.eu/E2000 Width index Part No. ▼ 3075.12 115..A2 .12PZB 3115. 2 3480 34800 34810 . ▼ 34500 34800 .A3 .C 34500 34800 .34PZB 3225.34PZ 3100.12 34510 34810 .200.34PZB 3125.A E2.12.12 34510 34810 . 3450 34500 34510 .12 34510 34810 .12PZ 22 250.clamps,tiewrapplates,nuggetsandclips areavailablefromstock.C 34500 34800 .C 34500 34800 . ▼ 34500 34800 .12 34510 34810 . 4PZ(B) .250.34PZB 3250..12 34510 34810 .075.115.C 34510 34810 . 3480 34800 34810 .C 34500 34800 .A2, .1: 38er/48er E2/000: 2600/3400 KMA mit C-Profil . ▼ 3050.125.34PZB 3150..C 34500 34800 .A E6 ALLE ohne c-Profil .C 34510 34810 ..34PZB 3075.A4.A .. ▼ 3150.115.12 200. 34800 for full e-tube series 3480 2) KMA locking Part No. For mounting brackets pre-fitted without C-profile, please attach index For types pre-fitted with C-profile please attach index .34PZ 3125.34PZB 3115.34PZ 3150.clamps,tiewrapplates,nuggetsandclipsareavailablefromstock.200. ▼ 34500 34800 .12PZ 11 125. ▼ 34500 34800 .. full set KMA locking2) with C-profile Without C-profile with C-profile Without C-profile 63 74 88 99 113 124 128 139 138 149 163 174 188 199 213 224 238 249 263 274 1) KMA pivoting Part No.12PZ 10 115.A3 .g.12 34510 34810 .A1 433 3450 3480 Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi +13 = A + 24 = B ø 5.175.12 34510 34810 .100.eu/3450 www. 1PZ(B) .225. ▼ 34500 34800 .12.C 34500 34800 .100.12 150.12.075.A1 .C 34510 34810