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077 2310.R.1 2310. e-chains® Extender crossbars openable along inner radius Part No.0 Separator e-chain® with extender crossbars unassembled assembled Shelf, lockable unassembled assembled Separator, narrow top unassembled assembled Separator, asymmetrical unassembled assembled Shelf, lockable unassembled assembled Standard separator, wide base unassembled assembled Separator, narrow unassembled assembled Standard for any application Separator with wide base for maximum holding force. Notch separator for notched crossbar unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled Shelves Width [mm] Aluminium support tray ● Corrosion-resistant and seawater-resistant aluminium rails with adjustable width ● Noise-reducing glide strip integrated standard ● Easy installation and connection the e-chain® ● Open design dirt and debris fall through More information From page 1362 .120 125 2300. Suitable for hoses with maximum outer diameter 36mm.0 2500.075 2310.050 2310. with required radius (R).3 2.0 055* 075 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 | 2400.3.030 2310.5.040 2310.1 2300.100.05D36 . For even faster installation Wide one side for high holding force, narrow opposite side for easy cable fitting.057 2310.125 No lateral gap side links necessary.1.4.103 110 2300.igus.057 X [mm] 060 2300.eu/2500 e-chains® with extender crossbars large increase the interior space for the smooth guiding large hoses.10D36 .4 2.2. For side-mounted applications Asymmetrical separator, for defined gap distance.R.070 075 2300.1 X -1 4.3 25.5 12.9 41 35 41 57 73.4 399 2400 2500 Bi R [mm] [mm] [mm] 2400.D36 25/41. 2020.05D36. Note: For this series notches only fixed crossbars, not openable crossbars Horizontal separation Full-width shelf locks securely into separators both ends, giving fixed width.2 103 119.9 ø36 ø36 49.1 X mm 25.090 100 2300.5 10 47 41 25/41.1 25.110 120 2300. Can used full-width partial shelf.060 2310.025 2310.038 040 2300.1 25/41. Locks securely preset increments Notch separator for exact positioning.Z more information From page 1428 E2/000 e-chains® 2400·2500 Further accessories e-chains® with extender crossbar Product Range 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.5 2300.080 2310.R.X 25.D36 25005. Example: 2500.090 2310.2 25. Standard separator, wide base Separator with wide base for maximum holding force. e-chains® Extender crossbars openable along outer radius Available bend radii 57 73 103 119 * Radius 055 only possible with e-chains® series 2500, openable along outer radius! Complete Part No.5 2300.5 X -1 2.XX 44.1.015 025 2300.1 X -1 2.120 2310.100 103 2300.4 25.X 2310.1 2.5 5 25.3.1 25.065 070 2300.05.X 2310.X 25.5 2. Recommended for side-mounted applications.2 10 2.1 25.R.eu/2400 www.1 25.040 050 2300.05D36 .eu/E2000 Part No.038 2310.1 25.1 25.062 2310.075 077 2300.1.25 25.4.5 10 2,5 4 25.igus. As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! E2/000 e-chains® 2400·2500 Accessories Interior separation Increase cable service life Previous generation interior separation with other options www.110 2310.087 090 2300.5 398 2400 2500 25005.2 90. As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Horizontal separation Full-width shelf locks securely into separators both ends, giving fixed width.025 030 2300.087 2310.5 2.077 080 2300.25 1.5 25.0 055* 075 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 | 25/41.125 2310.1 X [mm] 015 2300.070 2310. No additional spacers required.10.103 2310.080 X [mm] 087 2300.2.062 065 2300.5 3 25. For large number thin cables Separator with narrow base for large number thin cables side side.10D36 .5 10 6.1 25.X X -1 4.1 25 12. Interior separation for e-chains® with extender crossbars Separator with integrated strain relief teeth ● Can integrated into the mounting bracket placed any point ● Combines strain relief and interior separation, for restricted space conditions ● Strain relief separator easy assemble without any screws Part No.0 2500.065 2310.015 2310. Can used full-width partial shelf.060 062 2300.5 10 25.050 057 2300. Saves space.igus.030 038 2300.100 2310