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From page 1214 e-tubes R4/4HD Openable 56-80 Heavy-duty, especially for heavy fill weights.igus. From page 1158 Vertical guidance guidelok slimline P.. From page 1198 Predictive maintenance i. From page 1194 Condition monitoring i..Lidsopenablealongtheouter radius, from one side. Industry 4. Crossbars openable along the outer radius, from both sides. Upper run guide guidelok Horizontal 50 Traveldistance≤[m] Upper run guide for long travels, unsupportedinswarfareas.. Heavy- duty, for very long travels with very heavy fill weights. From page 1232 E4/4 rol e-chain® . .S Madecompletelyfromplastic,cost-effective,light andeasytoassemble. Shelves can be removed from the inner radius...eu/glsl-ps Vertical guidance guidelite GLV Safe cable guidance for vertical applications in one system: lighter, low-noise, easier and lower costs, guidelite GLV..Cee Predictive Maintenance i. More information online www.. From page 1242 Heavy-duty e-chains® with crossbars every link E4/4 rol e-chain® Openable 56-80 Rolling instead gliding.. normal and heavy-duty design .igus.1 generation with removable crossbars. From page 1182 . From page 1208 Heavy-duty e-chains® for long travels .igus. From page 1214 . From page 1242 E2/000 rol e-chains® e-chains® E2/000 rol e-chain® Openable 35-45 For travel lengths 150m, energyefficientandcost-effective. More information online www.. Faster project planning, detailed service manuals and documentation, time and cost savings...Upto 50m possible.eu/finder www.igus.1 Openable 56-80 Less friction, twice the service life - the new P4. From page 1258 Find the perfect e-chain® quickly www. e-chain® with crossbars every link E4/4HD Openable 56-80 For very heavy fill weights, crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius. For long travels high speeds.S..eu/the-chain CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www...eu/GLV Solutions for predictive maintenance and condition monitoring . From page 1232 Profile-rol e-chains® P4. From Page 1168 Enclosed guide basic flizz® 100 Traveldistance≤[m] Cost-effective, enclosed solution for long travels. e-chain® with crossbars every link E4/4 rol e-chain® Openable 32-80 Rolling instead gliding..Significantsavingsincost and weight, guidelok slimline P. Engineering service Modular projects Special solutions from stock..Sense Condition Monitoring i..35 Product overview .. e-loop® an alternative the service loop.eu Continued . Offshore, vertical guidance e-loop® 150-360 Safe cable guidance for hanging applications. Protection against weather and dirt exposure. e-tubes R4/4 rol e-tube Openable 32-80 Rolling instead gliding, fully enclosed. From page 1202 Profile rollers Profile-rol e-chains® P4 Openable 32-42 Reduce energy consumption by 57%.Sense,conditionmonitoring-simplest,fastest wayforaself-monitoringsmartplasticsproduct, using sensors. From page 1242 Solutions for horizontal motion . Crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius.Cee,predictivemaintenance-sensors,software andtheelementsofconditionmonitoringcreatea systemthatallowsdynamicservicelifecalculation anddeterminesthebesttimesformaintenance. more information online .. Available version. From page 1174 e-chains® aluminium profiles micro flizz® 30-100 Traveldistance≤[m] Unsupported e-chains® in aluminiumprofiles.igus.0".0 smart plastics smart plastics components equipped with connectivityandsensorsforautomationsolutions suitable for "Industry 4..Lidsopenablealongthe outer radius, from one side. Crossbars removable.Reliablysupply long travels using the smallest e-chains®. Crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius