IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 172 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
.22 0.10 E2C.10 E2C.10.0 E2C.0 51 91 56 76 100 130 160 The required clearance height: 10mm (with 0.4 0.0 D H H S/2 S HF = H R 20 22 15 4. E2i.0 E2.. 20.0 0 1.10 Openable along the inner radius, from both sides e-chains® Series E2.10 340 10.10 E2C.R.50.R.1 micro from igus® ● Reduce opening times from seconds ● Open long e-chain® section one go More information www.5 1.10.0 018 028 038 | E2i.10 FLG FLB 0.1 micro Series E2.6 Pitch [mm/link] 20 Links/m corresponds [mm] 50 1,000 e-chain® length .igus.06.5 2.10.2kg/m fill weight) Inner height [mm] 10.R.50.4 0.R.10 LK = S/ 2 K ESD many sizes from stock ● Standardised product made from igumid ESD ● ESD material tested with over million cycles for highest requirements ● Shortdeliverytimesincludingmountingbracketsandinteriorseparation;24hrs,fromstock More information and the complete product range From page 142 www.1/10.16 20 27.19 0.10 .5 0 1.038.0* E2.R.10.igus.10.0 0 3.0 E2C.eu/E2.0 E2.R.13 0.R.0 E2C.6 10.R.1micro ≤8.0 E2.13 0.eu/E2i.R.4 0.0 E2C.10 E2. E2.22 0..0* 018 028 038 | E2i.1 Inner height [mm] 10.4 0.10.1 341 E2.1 Inner height [mm] 10.10 E2.R.10.14 10 17..5 - 15 + 10 Ba Bi Bi E2i.eu/E2C.R.10.10 E2C. e-chains® openable along outer radius Part No.1 E2.10 Product range Very confined spaces, fast assembly e-chains® Series E2i.0 018 028 038 | E2i.10 www.10. ESD version (Electro Static Discharge) available from stock.1 micro e-chain® opener ● For quick and easy opening, e-chain® opener included with every first order openable E2.0 018 028 038 | E2i.10 E2.25 *Interior separation not suitable for inner widths and 10. e-chains® openable along inner radius Part No.14 0.10 R 018 028 038 H D K E2i.30.10. More information From page 142 RBR version (Reverse Bend Radius), some radii available from stock.R.0* E2.10 ..0 018 028 038 | E2i.10. 40.10.16 0. 16.0* 018 028 038 | E2i.10.0* E2C.4 0. 50.R.0 2.20 40 47.R.19 0.30.14 16 23.5 1.16.10 [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] E2i.10.10 Openable along the outer radius, from both sides e-chains® Series E2C.4 0.10.0 E2.0 0.23 50 57..igus.R.20. More information From page 130 Complete Part No.0 2.R.06.17 0.eu/E2.40.igus.4 0.10 One-piece, non-openable Fill weight [kg/m] E2.17 30 37.10 E2C.0 018 028 038 | E2i.10.1 micro Series E2.10 E2i.igus. e-chains® one-piece, non- openable Available bend radii 6 13.0 E2C.25 0.10 E2i..0* E2C. 06.17 0.10.R. with required radius (R).10.10.eu/E2.R.0 E2.10 www.0 mm 10.20.16.R.R.10 E2.14 0.R.1open 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www.25 0.10.16 0.6 15 Part No. Example: E2. 30.igus.eu/esd More information www.10 Installation dimensions Unsupported applications Short travels Unsupported length FLG FLB [m] Travel [m] Moving end Fixed end Reduce assembly time E2.10.20. 10.0 1. E2C