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50 063 110.eu/B17 For width index B17.15 025 110.eu/E2mini Slotted separator unassembled assembled Slotted separator unassembled assembled Slotted side plate, right unassembled assembled Slotted side plate, left unassembled assembled Slotted side plate unassembled assembled Full-width shelf for e-chains® unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled Full-width shelves Width [mm] .50 111. For full-width separation.2) Allows modular shelving right the side links.15 111.25 111.38 X [mm] 050 110.100 E2 mini Series B17i·B17 Accessories Interior separation No lateral gap side links necessary.80 111. For width index B17.0 329 B17i B17 2 10 171B 172B 1.igus. Slotted side plate, left (from B17.2) Allows modular shelving right the side links.5 B17.5 B17. No clearance required! Slotted side plate, right (from B17.X 111. The slot allows basic vertical/ horizontal shelving arrangements.5 5.63 080 110.75 177 178 X t 2,5 2 110.igus.7 Slotted separator Vertical separation e-chains®. No clearance required! For all widths Full-width shelf This option for applications with many small cables with similar diameters.38 111.eu/B17i www.80 X [mm] 100 110.25 038 110. Slotted side plate Allows modular shelving right the side links.1 B17.328 B17i B17 176BL/176BR 172B 111. The slot allows basic vertical/ horizontal shelving arrangements.igus.4 B17.100 111.63 111.X X [mm] 015 110. As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! More information www.5 10 173B 174B 2 8 175BR 176BR 2 8 175BL 176BL 1.4 Slotted separator Vertical separation e-chains®.X 174B 178 B17. The bend radii are exactly matched each other 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www.7 32 15 15 5 5 5 5 2.1 B17. No clearance required! E2 mini Application example Five mini chains installed above one another and side side