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3-32 Fully enclosed design. Some types with multi- chamber design. From page 304 e-chains®, two-piece design E2 mini Openable 17-32 Openable along the outer radius, from one side. Enclosed along the outer radius. From page 304 e-chains®, one-piece design E2 mini Openable 20-32 Openable along the inner radius from one side with film hinge. Easy to retrofit, simply clip the e-rib onto a corrugated hose. From page 274 .. e-chains®, one-piece design E2 mini Non-openable 18-41 One-piece, non-openable. One-piece, non-openable... From page 180 e-chains® for cable bundles snapchain Adjustable loops 50-120 Guide cable bundles quickly and easily; loops open along the outer radius(TZ)oralongtheinnerradius (TE). From page 212 Zip fastening e-chains® and e-tubes e-chains® zipper Openable 9-32 Openandcloseatlightningspeed. From page 304 igus® solutions for office and furniture Office e-chains® OCR "Easy" design Flexiblewith"easy"design.1- 14.3- 14.6- 14.5 Split crossbar along the inner radius.igus. Split crossbar along the inner radius.. From page 194 Energy supply for office applications and furniture office e-chain® "easy" design 21 This e-chain® was designed especiallyforthefurnitureindustry. Lids on a strip.. From page 240 e-tubes zipper Openable 10. From page 334 Continued Product overview Selection by product . Some types with multi- chamber design. From page 334 e-chains®, two-piece design E2i.6 Openable along the inner radius from one side with film hinge.5- 15. e-chain® version E easychain® "easy" design 5-48.9 Newgeneration,strong,low-noise, forthesmallestinstallationspaces. Zip-open along the outer radius. From page 188 .. e-chains®, two-piece design E2 mini Openable 17-32 Openable along the inner radius, from one side. From page 168 igus® solutions for simple applications e-chain® with piece strip design E1 Openable 10-20 Cost-effective, one-piece strip design for simple applications. Open and close lightning speed. From page 304 For very small spaces, strong . From page 202 Easy fill .3 Openable along the outer radius, from one side. From page 240 Small and medium sizes . One-piece, non-openable. Crossbars strip.. e-chains®, one-piece design E2C. Openable along the outer radius.igus. Zip-open along the outer radius. lids openable along the inner radius, from both sides.1 micro Openable 10.1 micro Non-openable 10. Easy fill.27 Continued Product overview Find the perfect e-chain® quickly www.eu/finder www..4 Newgeneration,strong,low-noise, forthesmallestinstallationspaces.. From page 212 For the smallest spaces, inner heights and bend radii e-chains®, one-piece design E2 micro Non-openable 5-15 Forthesmallestinstallationspaces.eu For existing corrugated tubes Reinforcement for corrugated tubes e-rib Easy clip-on NW 23-48 The reinforcement for existing corrugated tube systems.Canbe attachedwithintegratedmagnets, adhesive strip screws. From page 274 e-chains®, two-piece design E2 micro Openable 10.5 Split crossbar along the outer radius.4-48.eu/the-chain CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.. From page 274 e-chains®, one-piece design E2 micro Openable 11.igus. and cost-effective e-chain® version Z easychain® "easy" design 9