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16 20 0. receive mounting brackets pre-fitted please add index .8/90° 10 4 10 8 4 17 5.20.1 micro series E2.40.A2 .A E2/zipper A2/A4 solo E2 A2 +A4 solo E3 AE version 01 .A .3 Pitch [mm/link] 20 Links/m corresponds [mm] 50 1,000 e-chain® length Order example to indicate option with brackets pre-fitted With integrated strain relief tiewrap plates Full set Series Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) Possible variations for assembled mounting brackets.igus.FLG FLB 0.3 15 51 91 56 76 100 130 160 The required clearance height: 10mm (with 0.eu/B07 Hole pattern for part numbers 060.20.A4 .0 018 028 038 | B07.30. Example: B07.A3 .A1 .A2 .A4.40.00 0 1.23 Complete Part No.00 0 0.A2 .25 0 0.0 22 37.40.A1 .40.A1, .A4 .R.12PZ 060.20 .A3 .A1 .50 S/2 S H H D HF = H R 20 15 22 - 15 + 10 288 B07 10. 060. 060..A2 .A1 .A3 .5 0.A2 .8/90° 060 .0 018 028 038 | B07. full set with tiewrap plates Part No.A1 R 018 028 038 H D K Bi R [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] B07.038.0 018 028 038 | B07.3 Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi 289 B07 B A A B 060.12PZ 060.R.40.A3 .A .12 3 40. e-chains® Available bend radii Weight 16 22. ▼ 060.00 2.igus.12 4 LK = S/2 K .40.2 3.17 30 0.A .40.A . 10 4 10 8 4 17 3.A4 .12PZ.00 0.12 2 20.0 32 47.A2 .20 40 0.10 From page 340 e-chains® Series B07 Openable along the outer radius, from one side Installation dimensions More information www.30.A . .eu/E2micro ≤8..40 .30. with required radius (R).A1 .A3 . B A B A B B 060.75 1.12 2 30.A2 .2 3. 060.8/90° 5. full set without tiewrap plates Number of teeth – 22.30.A3 Moving end Fixed end Fill weight [kg/m] Unsupported length FLG FLB [m] Travel [m] E2 micro Series B07 Product range For new designs recommend E2.2 4 18 4 17 18 5.R.1 KMA mit ZE E4 ALLE KMA mit C-Profil E6 ALLE KMA mit C-Profil E2/R2 R117/R48/ 1400/1500 1450/1480 E4 ALLE ohne c-Profil .16.2 3.1/R2.5 – 27.A .12PZ 060.16.12PZ 060.A4 E2.A2, .A2 .2 3.30. ▼ 060.20. 060. ▼ 060.16.50 0.A3 .20.2kg/m fill weight) Width index Part No.16 .A4 . 060.75 0.16.A . 2P(Z) 90° 060.25 0..20 060.0 Material mounting bracket igumid temperature: -40° +120°C, VDE 0304 IIC UL94-HB Part No.R.. = drawing below left Moving end Fixed end E2 micro Series B07 Accessories Mounting brackets, polymer one-piece Locking 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www.50 1. = drawing above left Hole pattern for part numbers 060.A4 .A2 .A E6 ALLE ohne c-Profil .A1 .A4 .0 Inner height [mm] 10.16.0 018 028 038 A [mm] B [mm] 16.A4 . ▼ 060. 060.50 1. 1P(Z) 060 .0 mm 10. 060.A .30