IGUS (en)

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5 15 5.50 More information www.igus.8 255 09 1.50 111.20 111. The slot allows basic vertical/horizontal shelving arrangements. Full-width shelf This option for applications with many small cables with similar diameters.2.4 7 B09.X X [mm] 016 110. As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Slotted separator Vertical subdivision e-chains®.2.1 111.1 X t 2.254 09 B09.igus.0 6.20 X [mm] 030 110.40 X [mm] 050 110.eu/zipper Slotted separator unassembled assembled Full-width shelf for e-chains® unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled Full-width shelves Width [mm] .30 040 110. For full-width separation.eu/09 zipper e-chains® Series Accessories Interior separation No lateral gap side links necessary.40 111.X 2.16 111.16 020 110. Acceleration: 100m/s2 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. zipper Application igus® zipper e-chain® X/Y unit.30 111.5 2 110.X 111.2 B09