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Poznámky redaktora
20.A3 .00 0.20.2 4 18 4 17 18 3.06.0 56 71.16.0 018 028 038 | 07.12 3 40.A1 .A4 .A3 .50.10.50 1.30.25 0.A .64.64 Inner height [mm] 10.30. full set with tiewrap plates Part No.12 4 50.A2 .R.R.12PZ 060.A2 .23 50 0.5 – 27.8/90° 5.30 ESD version (Electro Static Discharge) available from stock.A4 E2.A2 .26 64 0.13 10 16.A . 1P(Z) 060 .0 018 028 038 | 07.0 018 028 038 | 07.3 Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi 29 13 060.A3 .0 42 57.0 018 028 038 | 07.A4 .0 018 028 038 | 07.00 0 0.12PZ 060.A .2 060 . 060.A E6 ALLE ohne c-Profil . More information From page 142 Complete Part No. 3. 10 4 10 8 4 17 3.40.3 15 51 111 56 86 100 130 160 195 The required clearance height: 10mm (with 0.eu/esd Hole pattern for part numbers 060.038.8/90° 10 4 10 8 4 17 5.A E2/zipper A2/A4 solo E2 A2 +A4 solo E3 AE version 01 . e-chains® Available bend radii Weight 06 12.00 0 1.12 1 10.A .30.00 2. 060.igus.0 22 37. 060.A3 . 2P(Z) 90° R 018 028 038 048* H D K LK = S/2 K Bi R [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] 07.A .0 mm 10.2 3.0 Part No.64.5 0. ▼ 060.12PZ 060.R.20.20.A2 .50.eu/zipper ≤8.5 – 16. ▼ 060.0 018 028 038 | 07.12 5 64.12 2 30.12PZ.0 018 028 038 048 | A [mm] B [mm] 06.igus.12PZ 060.A3 Moving end Fixed end Fill weight [kg/m] Unsupported length FLG FLB [m] Travel [m] zipper e-chains® Series Product range Fast opening, small pitch, smooth running e-chains® Series Crossbars strip zip-open along the outer radius Installation dimensions More information www. 060. full set without tiewrap plates Number of teeth – 12.40.A .1/R2.A2 .A1 .25 0 0.A2 . ▼ 060.2 5.64.20 060.75 1.30.16.R.50 0. 060.64. 060.R.12PZ 060.A4 .20.0 Order example to indicate option with brackets pre-fitted With integrated strain relief tiewrap plates Full set Series Possible variations for assembled mounting brackets.A1 .R.16. with required radius (R).2kg/m fill weight) *Radius 048 only for series 07.12 2 20..64. B A B A B B 060.A1 . ▼ 060.5 0.FLG FLB 0.A3 .5 – 22.A2, .06. ▼ 060. = drawing below left Moving end Fixed end zipper e-chains® Series Accessories Mounting brackets, polymer one-piece Locking 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.0 018 028 038 | 07.A4 . ▼ 060.A4.06. Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) .A4 .eu/07 ESD many sizes from stock ● Standardised product made from igumid ESD ● ESD material tested with over million cycles for highest requirements ● Shortdeliverytimesincludingmountingbracketsandinteriorseparation;24hrs,fromstock More information and the complete product range From page 142 www. ▼ 060.30.50 1.3 Pitch [mm/link] 20 Links/m corresponds [mm] 50 1,000 e-chain® length Width index Part No.50.20 40 0.A1 249 07 B A B A 060.12 1 16.0 32 47. Example: 07.06.A2 .1 KMA mit ZE E4 ALLE KMA mit C-Profil E6 ALLE KMA mit C-Profil E2/R2 R117/R48/ 1400/1500 1450/1480 E4 ALLE ohne c-Profil .R.A1 .A ..A .igus.17 30 0.A4 .8/90° 3.40.A2 .30.16 20 0. receive mounting brackets pre-fitted please add index .5 0.12PZ 060. 060.40.12PZ 060.10.A3 .R. ▼ 060.12PZ 060.75 0. = drawing above left Hole pattern for part numbers 060.06.A4 .A1, ..14 16 22..A2 .64.50 S/2 S H H D HF = H R 20 15 22 - 15 + 10 248 07 10,3 10.A1 .12 6