IGUS (en)

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 101 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
1 .14 OCR.31 .eu/OCR OCR office e-chain® Technical data Order key Black e-chains® ready ship 48hrs.igus.500.0m links + Mounting brackets set + intermediate bracket piece, depending application customer request*.4 .eu/OCR e-chain® material permitted temperature °C, igumid -40°C +80°C Mounting bracket material permitted temperature °C, igumid -40°C +80°C Intermediate bracket material permitted temperature °C, igumid -40°C +80°C Flammability class, igumid VDE 0304 IIC UL94-HB Order example for complete e-chain® (1.198 199 OCR.20 (Office Chain Oval) design study simple cable guidance system for office furniture.50.12 piece* OCR. Order text: OCR.3 .500.1S .50.0m), colour black, with mounting brackets and intermediate brackets: e-chain® (1.eu/OCO When compressed, the e-chains® links are locking and can also used unsupported upright links Flexible connection options for almost any application .igus.0 OCR.50.igus.3) With the OCR office e-chain® that movable all axes create order the office quickly and easily Order key Colour Order index Black Standard Silver-grey Special colour White Special colour Grey-white Special colour Colour Order index Orange Special colour Yellow Special colour Light grey Special colour Simplecableguidance systemfor officefurniture-OCO The OCO.* Above special colours upon request.0 More information www.0 .2 .500. movable two directions and impresses with its timeless, clear design.500.0 OCR.12 OCR. Order index for colour options Technical data Order example Order key and colour options Series Type Width index (depends Ba) Colour index (standard black) Split crossbar along the outer radius OCR office e-chain® Applications 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Upon request, more information www. can also shortened lengthened and attached very easily.0m) Please indicate e-chain® length number links: 1