Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


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Insulated air-termination system with separation distance (s) Aluminium air-termination mast 2. The number FangFix concrete bases required may vary according the wind load zone (Table 2.2.1. 5402 864 5402 866 5402 868 5402 870 5402 872 5402 874 5402 876 5402 878 5402 880 Item no. Various brackets for mount- ing walls, pipes and corner pipes, well two isFang tripod stands with different spreading widths, are available fasten the various air-termination rods. Number concrete blocks for isFang air-termination rod with tripod stand Air-termination rod height m 4 4.1. The complex contours metallic and electrical units protruding above the roof make particular demands lightning protection and compliance with the separating dis- tance.0 5.2 Isolated air-termination systems With the OBO isolated lightning protection, you can erect isolated air-termination systems safely, econom- ically and accordance with standards.7. of appropriate air-termination rod stand 5408 968 5408 968 5408 968 5408 968 5408 969 5408 969 5408 969 5408 969 5408 969 Wind speed kph 143 124 110 104 kg 193 168 148 133 138 127 117 109 102 kg 232 202 178 159 165 151 139 129 121 kg 266 231 203 182 188 172 159 147 138 kg 296 257 226 202 208 191 176 163 152 kg Table 2.0 7.18: Number FangFix concrete blocks required TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 84 Chapter The external lightning protection system .5 6. 2.1 Aluminium air-termination rods The 3-part air-termination rods between and 8 metres and made aluminium complement the con- ventional air-termination system consisting air-ter- mination rod and concrete base, which used for heights metres.5 7.5 5.0 Required concrete blocks Air-termination rod item no.19).0 6.7.5 8