Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


Strana 78 z 288

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3rd step: Determining the maximum gust speed The tilt and slip resistance air-termination rods must always determined project-by-project basis. The max- imum gust speed the project location must de- termined. The reference height the building height and two thirds the length the air-termination rod. Air-termination rod Gust speed wind zone I Reference height in metres TC I in kph TC II in kph TC III in kph TC IV in kph 0 112 105 100 93 5 122 108 100 93 10 136 124 103 93 16 136 124 111 93 20 139 128 115 98 30 145 134 122 106 40 149 139 128 112 70 157 148 139 126 100 162 155 147 135 Gust speed wind zone II Reference height in metres TC I in kph TC II in kph TC III in kph TC IV in kph 0 124 117 111 104 5 136 120 111 104 10 145 131 114 104 16 152 138 123 104 20 155 142 127 109 30 161 149 136 118 40 165 154 142 125 70 174 165 155 139 100 180 172 163 150 Gust speed wind zone III Reference height in metres TC I in kph TC II in kph TC III in kph TC IV in kph 0 137 129 122 114 5 149 132 122 114 10 159 144 126 114 16 167 152 135 114 20 170 156 140 119 30 177 164 149 129 40 182 170 156 137 70 192 181 170 153 100 198 189 180 165 Gust speed wind zone IV Reference height in metres TC I in kph TC II in kph TC III in kph TC IV in kph 0 149 140 133 124 5 163 144 133 124 10 174 157 137 124 16 182 166 148 125 20 186 170 153 130 30 193 179 163 141 40 198 185 170 150 70 209 198 185 167 100 216 206 196 180 TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 78 Chapter The external lightning protection system