It must taken into account dur-
ing planning. The NAs contain provisions that bey-
ond the Eurocode rules, i.
These are supplemented the various national an-
nexes (NA).1.e.8).
Old standard New standard
Eurocode DIN 1991-1-4:2010-12: Parts 1-4:
General effects;
wind loads DIN 1991-1-4/NA: 2010-12
Eurocode DIN 1991-1-4:2010-12: Parts 1-4: General effects;
wind loads DIN 1991-1-4/NA: 2010-12
DIN 1991-1-3: 2010-12 Parts 1-3: General ef-
fects; snow loads +
DIN 1991-1-3/NA: 2010-12
DIN 1991-1-3: 2010-12 Parts 1–3: General effects; snow loads +
DIN 1991-1-3/NA: 2010-12
Eurocode DIN 1993-3-1: 2010-12: Parts 3-1:
Towers, masts and chimneys –
Towers and masts DIN 1993-3-1/NA: 2010-12
Eurocode DIN 1993-3-1: 2010-12: Parts 3-1: Towers, masts and
chimneys –
Towers and masts DIN 1993-3-1/NA: 2010-12
Table 2.
2.6 Wind load
For decades, wind load has been important con-
sideration for OBO Bettermann relation external
lightning protection.8: Example: German national standards for the calculation wind load
Chapter The external lightning protection system
. the provisions that were
previously part the national standards. cover
the documents the series DIN 1990 1999.
Following the publication the national annexes to
the ECs, the old standards became invalid, following
appropriate coexistence phases (Table 2. Today’s calculation models and
air-termination rod systems are the result numerous
studies and years R&D experience.
The previous German standards this area DIN
1055:2005 Part "Wind loads" and Part "Snow
and ice loads", and DIN 4131: "Steel antenna mounts"
– dealt with all load assumptions for support struc-
tures Germany.The wind load describes the effect
on buildings and installed systems.
The Eurocodes (EC) are the result European stand-
ardisation the construction field