5. Specifications
Under specifications such the German “accident
prevention regulations”, all companies are required to
adhere certain occupational safety and health re-
quirements the workplace. Lightning
protection demanded by, for example, the German
state building regulations for public buildings and
meeting places.
4. In
Germany, surge protection has been mandatory since
October 2016.
3.). Contracts
Example: Insurers’ guidelines, e. Technical rules
Standards and technical rules present methods and
technical solutions ensure adherence the safety
standards specified the legislation.
Chapter General introduction
. Ordinances
An ordinance passed not national parliaments
but national executive bodies, e. VdS 2010.
2. the Technical
Rules for Industrial Safety (TRBS) published the
German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health.5 Legal regulations defining what
lightning protection required
What lightning protection required depends five
Examples: German Constitution, regional building regulations
for public buildings and meeting places
IEC 60364-4-44 describes risk analysis for determ-
ining what surge protection devices are required. relevant excerpt from VDS 2010 can
be found Table 1.5. VDS 2010
List applicable documents shown order increasing legal force
1. Specifications Example: Accident prevention regulations
4.g. For example, lightning protection referred to
in part TRBS 2152 means preventing the
ignition dangerous explosive atmospheres. Legislation
The most important tasks the legal system are to
protect human life and basic social assets (cultural
treasures, security energy supplies, etc. Objects for which lightning and
surge protection measures are obligatory are listed in
e. their interest to
keep their plant operation, so
they should check what the cost
of failure would be. Contracts
Insurance companies have drawn guidelines on
the basis damage and accidents that have been
observed the past. Technical rules
Example: IEC/EN 62305
Every owner operator re-
sponsible for the safety their
own plant.g. Ordinances
Example: Technical Rules for Industrial Safety (TRBS) the
German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
3. The most im-
portant standard for lightning protection IEC 62305