Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


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Through its policy continuous improvement, OBO creates fertile conditions for the development new products and documents. this time, OBO reacted with the V-15 surge voltage arrester and set new standards. Just like its predecessors, this edition the lightning protection guide offers assistance installing profes- sional lightning protection systems line with the very latest standards." OBO supports and drives the development national and international lightning protection standards the series IEC 62305. This ori- ginal guide focused external lightning protection and earthing systems. Andreas Bettermann OBO Bettermann GmbH Co. Today, lightning and surge protection components, lightning protection structures and surge protection devices are put through their paces the BET Test Centre highly qualified specialists ac- cordance with the relevant standards. . This guide aims provide practical as- sistance. For almost 100 years, OBO has been devel- oping and producing standard-compliant lightning pro- tection components. are always more than glad incorpor- ate suggested improvements. We would like wish all readers and lightning protec- tion specialists the greatest possible satisfaction as they about their important task keeping people, buildings and equipment safe from lightning currents and electrical surges.KG www. The caption reads: "Lightning protection provides safety. The rise the modern computer began the 1970s, with the invention the electron- ic typewriter.obo. Since then, further information has been steadily added the “planner section” of the guide include information surge protection for energy, data and MCR TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 2 Foreword OBO Bettermann one the world’s most experi- enced manufacturers lightning and surge protection systems. Establishing partnerships with customers top pri- ority for OBO, and OBO staff are available support customers all aspects their projects, including products, installation and planning advice. Through its membership VDB (Association Ger- man Lightning Protection Companies) and the VDE Committee for Lightning Protection and Research, OBO always date with the latest insights from the worlds science and lightning protection prac- tice. OBO was the first manufacturer publish guide to lightning protection way back the 1950s.From our archives: cartoon from 1958. OBO’s research and development activities received a boost 1996 with the opening the new BET re- search centre, home one the largest lightning surge current generators Europe and numerous testing units. The motto the picture BLITZSCHUTZ GIBT SICHERHEIT (“LIGHTNING PROTECTION PROVIDES SAFETY”) is as relevant today ever was, with external lightning protection still providing valuable passive fire protec- tion the event direct lightning strike. Count- less new products over the years, such the first connectable type surge protection device with VDE test mark, the first connectable type lightning cur- rent arrester with carbon technology, laid the founda- tion for the uniquely comprehensive product range that offer today