Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


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The result can be exported easily into Excel format for further pro- cessing.OBO Construct planning aids Digital selection aids for earthing systems and surge protection The OBO Construct electronic planning aids are pro- grams developed support electrical installation en- gineers and planners the design electrical install- ation systems. The two OBO Construct programs for earthing and surge protection systems should provide active help here. OBO Construct for surge protection This online tool aids you the project-orientated se- lection and connection suitable surge protection systems and provides you with information the OBO surge protection systems. The application can opened any end device ir- respective its operating system smartphone, tablet desktop PC. particular, complex areas such as surge protection and earthing, there are countless technical and standard general conditions ob- served. OBO Construct for earthing systems The digital selection aid can used for the easy planning and configuration earthing systems. The simple and intuitive user guidance leads you through the individual components the earthing system step by step. You can create your personal materials list, connection diagram and invita- tion tender texts quickly, efficiently and targeted manner for complete surge protection the fields of energy technology, photovoltaics, telecommunication, MSR, TV, and data technology. The software then automatically calculates the amounts required and the matching accessories. Benefits • Time and place-independent work assistance • Transmit planning requirements complete product systems • Find suitable products quickly and simply • Calculate material and parts lists automatically • Download configuration results Excel Word files TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 166 Chapter The external lightning protection system . Systematic questions simplify the search for suitable products and guaranteed surge protection systems and earthing systems which fulfil the stand- ards