should used.5 mm
• Round conductors made copper, mm
• Round conductors made stainless steel, Ø
10 mm
• Round conductors made galvanised steel, Ø
10 mm
See Chapter 2.
Corrosion protection
In the earth, rustproof stainless steel with molyb-
denum content 2%, e.5 mm
• Stainless steel flat conductors, 3.
2. Detachable connections in
the ground must protected against corrosion
(plastic corrosion protection strip). 1. Detachable connections the
ground must protected against corrosion (plastic
corrosion protection strip).
Chapter The external lightning protection system
Functional method
Outside the building, least 80% the ring earth
electrodes (surface earther's) overall length must in
contact with the ground.5 (or 0.
In the earth, rustproof stainless
steel with molybdenum content
of should used.5 mm
• Galvanised steel pipes, mm
See Chapter 2.
r≥ l1
r: Medium radius the area covered the earther
A: Area the earthing system m2
l1: Minimum earth length m
Area 100 m2
, covered type earther
Lightning protection class I,
Sand, gravel, top layers (dry) 1,000 Ωm,
l1 from "Minimum lengths earthers" m
A=100 m2
/π)=31.83 m
31.4571, should used.7.
Condition for additional earthing measures
With type earthing systems, the central radius r
must greater than equal the minimum earth-
ing length l1.
Normative requirements
All types earth rods and potential coupling pieces
must tested according IEC 62561-2 ED2.83 m
Condition r≥l1 fulfilled.Materials for type A
The following materials can used, amongst others:
• Rods from stainless steel, mm
• Galvanised steel rods, mm
• Copper coated steel rods, mm
• Stainless steel rods, mm
• Galvanised steel flat conductors, 3.2 Materials for earthing systems.4404 1.5 mm
• Galvanised steel flat conductors, 3.4404 or
1.2 Type ring earth electrodes
The type ring earth electrodes laid around the
building. must installed a
closed ring distance 1. 1.2 Materials for earthing systems.g.
Corrosion protection
In potentially corrosive areas, rust-proof stainless steel
with molybdenum content 2%, e.4.0 and depth of
Earth rods (optional)
Underground connection
Main earthing busbar (MEB)
Installation principle, ring earther
Materials for ring earth electrodes
The following materials can used, amongst others:
• Stainless steel flat conductors, 3.3. ring earth elec-
trode earther according arrangement type B.g.8 according DIN 18014) around the
external foundation the building