Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


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With regard the risk ignition dangerous, po- tentially explosive atmosphere through lightning strike, the Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances No. 509 refer TRBS 2152 Part Number 5. This also applies above-ground tanks the open air and underground tanks with flammable liquids with an ignition point °C, which are not completely surrounded earth, masonry, concrete multiples of these substances. Starting the light- ning strike point, strong currents flow, which can cause sparks close the impact point. Ap- pendix the TRGS lists individual details the use and requirements spark gaps pipe lines, as well detailed requirements lightning and surge protection units according IEC/EN 62305. Building sections containing tanks store flammable liquids with ignition point and volume more than 3,000 litres must protected against ignition risks from lightning strikes using suitable equipment.8. Even without a direct lightning strike, induced voltages can cause damage electrical devices, systems and compon- ents for measurement, control and regulation (MCR) technology and, the worst case, can lead ex- plosion. The strong heating the arresting paths the lightning can also trigger ignition.1127-1 states, lightning strikes potentially ex- plosive atmosphere, then the atmosphere always ig- nited. For this reason, the three basic principles explo- sion protection are: • Avoid potentially explosive atmospheres • Avoid any possibly effective source ignition • Limit possible explosion impacts reasonable level Special requirements for lighting and surge protec- tion areas The lightning protection measures must created in such way that there are melting and spray im- pacts. For this reason, when planning and running lightning protection system through potentially explosive areas – so-called zones the following rules must addi- tionally taken into account: • IEC/EN 62305-3 Appendix D "Additional information for lightning protection sys- tems for structure potentially explosive areas" • VDE 0185-305-3 Supplement 2 "Additional information for special building struc- tures" In systems with zone and zone 22, Ex atmosphere will most likely only occur rare, unfore- seen circumstances. lightning protection system erected accord- ing IEC/EN 62305-3, the creation ignitable sparks, well interfering damaging impacts on electrical systems through the impact lightning, need not prevented every case. Therefore, possible posi- tion air-termination systems zone and zone 22, taking Appendix IEC/EN 62305-3 into ac- count. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 142 Chapter The external lightning protection system