CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 46 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Length Width lengthwise wide mm 55 A9-1 0274 55 A9-2 109 4578 55 A9-3 163 4653 55 A9-4 218 4585 55 A8-1 5590 55 A8-2 157 4592 55 A8-3 235 4608 55 A7-1 109 5583 55 A7-2 218 3695 55 A6-1 157 109 5576 Safe box for CARRY-LITE High-quality storage system for CARRY-LITE service cases, made blue lacquered steel sheet, telescopic runners mounted ball bearings, lockable, length 451 mm, width 330 mm, height 403 mm, weight (empty) kg. with dividing walls individual compartments 8958 CARRY-LITE 80 Service case, height mm, length 413 mm, width 330 mm, grid layout lengthwise wide empty, without inserts 7494 with inserts BA8-1, BA7-1 8774 with inserts BA8-1, BA7-1 8743 CARRY-LITE 55 Service case, height mm, length 413 mm, width 330 mm, grid layout lengthwise wide empty, without inserts 7500 with inserts A8-1 9207 with inserts A9-1, A7-1, A8-1 9191 Inserts for CARRY-LITE and 80 Height mm Type Grid dim.S Design Size Article no. Type Grid dim. 8774 Set 3067 Safe box incl. Grid dim. Delivery includes CARRY-LITE service case Safe box 150 incl. Length Width lengthwise wide mm 80 BA8-1 9276 80 BA8-2 157 9283 80 BA8-3 235 9290 80 BA7-1 109 9306 80 BA7-2 218 9313 80 BA6-1 109 157 9320 Inserts for CARRY-LITE and 55 +HLJKWPPSUHFLVHÌWDOVRIRUGUDZHUVDQGWRROKROGHUVIRUUDDFR&203$&7WKH36&YDULRPRGHOVDQGWKH 250-3 cabinet CARRY-LITE service case /LJKWZHLJKWVWRUDJHDQGFDUU\LQJFDVHZLWKDËH[LEOHGHVLJQLQWHULRUSDUWLWLRQLQJFDQEHYDULHGDWDQ\WLPHZLWK transparent storage compartments many different sizes, lower shell case made polypropylene, case lid PDGHRIFOHDUWUDQVSDUHQWSRO\FDUERQDWHOLGZLWK8SURÌOHVIRUQRQVOLSVWRUDJHRIPDWHULDOVDQGORRVHLQVHUWV ergonomic carrying handle, two strong slide locks, stackable, can also set edge. Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. Grid dim. 9207 and 9191 Set 4576 41 9276 41 9306 41 9283 41 9313 41 9290 41 9320 40 0274 41 4585 41 4608 40 5576 41 4578 40 5590 40 5583 41 4653 41 4592 40 3695 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . CARRY-LITE 150 Service case, height 150 mm, 413 long, 330 wide. Interior division can only individually designed using dividing walls, not with inserts. 8958 Set 4569 Safe box incl