CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
white 2861 19 2862 25 2863 Paper masking tape Low crepe paper masking tape, 0.350 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C S Design Width Length Article no. cardboard boxes and cartons, strapping heavy packages and other goods, banding plastic and metal tubes, metal rods, etc. Typical areas use: Masking areas blocked when painting and varnishing. for hour. Special features: +HDWGHËHFWLQJOLJKWUHËHFWLQJPRLVWXUHUHVLVWDQWYHU\ORZZDWHUSHUPHDELOLW\ ZDWHUYDSRXUEDUULHU Typical areas use: +HDWSURWHFWLRQDQGVKLHOGLQJRIHOHFWURPDJQHWLFÌHOGVRQHOHFWURQLFHTXLSPHQWVHDOLQJRIFRROLQJLQVXODWLRQ bonding intersections aluminium foil-laminated insulation mats and insulating panels made from rock wool RUÌEUHJODVVVHDOLQJRIPHWDORUSODVWLFGXFWVDSSOLFDWLRQVZLWKPRUHVWULQJHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVRISUHYHQWLYHÌUH SURWHFWLRQHJËDPHSURWHFWLRQZUDSIRUWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIFDEOHV silver 2900 Filament adhesive tape with mesh thread reinforcement Description: Carrier layer made from polypropylene, reinforced with meshed nylon threads running length and crossways for the full length the tape, coated one side with rubber adhesive Special features: Excellent resistance abrasion, extremely tear resistant (longitudinal and lateral strength), fraying the sides, strong immediate adhesion. Typical areas use: Used for diverse installations heavy loads, even vertical, indoors and outdoors, instead riveting, screwing and liquid adhesives, also particularly good for bonding onto non-elastic materials with irregular, rough surfaces (wood, masonry, concrete, coats paint): surface-mounting cable routing ducts, cable clamps, switchboxes, attachment badges, displays and signs, both made from and onto plastic, VKRFNSURRIDQGYLEUDWLRQGDPSHGVRIWPRXQWLQJRIDVVHPEOLHV HJFLUFXLWERDUGVVZLWFKSDQHOVÌWWLQJV HIIHFWLYHUHGXFWLRQRIWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQRIQRLVH UDWWOHSURWHFWLRQ IRUPÌWVHDOVDJDLQVWGXVWZDWHU vapour, wind and light, also for sealing air outlets save energy. Temperature resistant up to max. Suitable for indoor use. transparent 2950 Double-sided adhesive foam tape Description: Closed-cell polyethylene foam, coated both sides with acrylic-based adhesive, comes with separating paper. Medium adhesion thanks rubber-based adhesive. Typical areas use: Bundling and pulling through cables and wiring harnesses, high-strength package tape for sealing and reinforcing even heavy packages, e.16 mm. 114 and medium adhesion 6. Special features: High tear resistance approx. beige 0302 25 0304 38 0306 50 0308 .de Special adhesive tapes Aluminium foil adhesive tape Description: $OXPLQLXPIRLOÆP WKLFNFRDWHGRQRQHVLGHZLWKSUHVVXUHVHQVLWLYHDFU\OLFDGKHVLYH7KHWDSHLV laminated with strong, polyethylene-coated separating paper. Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. Special features: Excellent resistance pressure, very pliable, very good resistance UV, ageing, moisture, oils, solvents and softeners, strong immediate adhesion. thick. The crepe allows adapt very well different substrates and radii.2 mm.g