CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 190 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
0 11.5 5002 Hydraulic bolt 5002 9.0 75.5 50.1 60. Quick release nut without tension bolt 5026 Screw puncher centring ring Made plastic. Pushing the lid back releases this latching again.5 ø Nibbler ASN15 4004 Nibbler ASN20 4006 Replacement punch ASN15 4008 Replacement punch ASN20 4010 Quick release nut For shaped punch with thread shape UNF mm, used replacement for normal counter nut saving approx.0 55. For quickly locking and unlocking the thread, however screwing off normally ensured despite this even jams.4 mm. Particularly recommended for producing unusual dimensions (special shapes).5 21.0 (Inside: 9.0 5000 Bolts for stainless steel and steel sheets 37 Tension bolt with ball bearing (encapsulated) 19.1 75.0 5006 Bolts for stainless steel Hydraulic bolt, complete 19. For use oversized drill holes, for example control cabinets centre tension bolts (screw puncher).0 9.5 ø ASN 20. 75% time comparison screw version.1 5016 Hydraulic bolt 5016 11. The centring ring can used with all known screw puncher designs that split the scrap part, including products from other manufacturers! Suitable for puncher systems that split into pieces. Nibbler Pre-punched round holes can easily and economically converted square rectangular holes.5 28.0 38.0 6.0 9.0 S S Design Size Article no. Round rectangular Round square Material thickness: max. The quick release nut pushed onto the thread the tension bolt and then when touches the stamp, latched onto lid.0 28.0 5010 Tension bolt with ball bearing (encapsulated) 9.0 5006 Spacer sleeve set (3-piece) 5072 Hydraulic oil Litre 4024 .0 5014 Individual parts for hydraulic operation Bolts for steel sheets 37 Hydraulic bolt, complete 19.0 5074 Adapter for hydraulic bolt 5002 19.0 120. The ring size can used for hole diameter the sheet processed.0 5004 Tension bolt with ball bearing (encapsulated) 19. The smallest hole diameter which the ring will still link tool and workpiece 20.5) 5024 Hydraulic bolt 19.0 5008 Tension bolt with ball bearing 11.0 5076 Adapter for hydraulic bolt 5016 19.0 38. 2.190 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 a b c Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco.0 37 Dimensions: Pre-punch ASN 15. The ring size suitable for 19 connecting bolts (UNF3/4-16) both manual and also hydraulic operation.0 (Inside: 11.5 21.1) 5078 Hydraulic bolt 19. Ideal aid for tension bolts hydraulic bolts screw puncher systems.5 75.0 120. 10 5080 Individual parts for manual operation Bolts for steel sheets 37 Tension bolt with ball bearing (encapsulated) 6