CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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de Open ring-ratchet 6ORWWHGUDWFKHWKHDGZLWKUHPRYDEOHSODVWLFKDQGOHZUHQFKVL]HDFURVVËDWVVL]HWRKROGDOOWKHIROORZLQJ sockets, simple rotation turn left and right, which makes suitable for tightening and loosening screwed cable glands.5 2910 M 2912 .) Size M 5014 M 5015 M 12, 5017 M 12, 5019 M 12, 5020 M 16, 5022 M 16, 5024 M 20, 5027 M 20, 5030 Set ratchets and sockets for screwed cable glands Set impact-resistant plastic transport and storage case, consisting 2-piece open ring-ratchet, CIMCO article no. Can also used combination with CIMCO article no. Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. 1 5100 Sockets for screwed cable gland ratchet With size holder, slotted version (other dimensions available upon request, minimum order 100 pieces) for screw connections (observe manufacturer dim. 5014 5030) for all common plastic and metal screwed cable glands various manufacturers 25 11-piece 5000 Universal wrench for screwed cable glands For tightening and loosening screwed cable glands all kinds, automatic continuously adjustable jaw size, ratchet-like IXQFWLRQZLWK}SLYRWLQJDQJOHKDQG\DQGFRQYHQLHQWHYHQLQFRQVWULFWHGZRUNLQJDUHDVZLWKÌ[HGVHWWLQJIRU continuous work with the same screw connection sizes, bronzed metal surfaces, with two-component plastic handles )RUZUHQFKVL]HDFURVVËDWVPP Length Weight g Size 180 180 5040 Size 200 220 5042 2-piece set, size and size 5045 Mast key made die cast zinc (GD-Zn), mm with half-moon 2882 with square drive bit 2883 Triangle nut driver according DIN 22417, with movable handle, galvanised, length mm For screws Edge length (inner dimension) M 2900 M 2902 M 2904 M 2906 M 2908 M 16. 11 5100 and sockets (CIMCO article no.90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S S Blade size mm) Total length Article no. 5110 and 5112