CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 330 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Temperature-resistant from -30 +80 °C, good adhesion, resistant ageing. Pieces Dim.15 thick.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 330 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. Resistant dirt, moisture, alcohol, petroleum-based M G Design Size Article no.g. Self-adhesive PVC-impregnated woven fabric yellow with black border, 0. 'RFXPHQWÌOPSURSHUWLHV 7KHGRFXPHQWÌOPFDQEHPDUNHGXVLQJSHQFLOSHQIHOWSHQRUW\SHZULWHU,WLVPPWKLFNDQGWHPSHUDWXUH UHVLVWDQWIURP}&WR}&7KHDGKHVLYHVWUHQJWKLVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHWHDUVWUHQJWKRIWKHÌOP7KHÌOPEUHDNV when removed and largely resistant ageing, weather and light. per mm Handle EURZQjËDVKk 108 2670 yellow “18” 108 2688 yellow “19” 108 2689 orange “20” 108 2692 violet “21” 108 2693 green “22” 108 2694 . also resistant water, salt water, alcohol, aliphatic solvents well petroleum-based oils and fats. ø Pcs. Pocket format Title block Maximum Pieces per Length mm Cable pack mm 25 2650 25 150 2652 25 250 2654 Sheet 10 2656 25 2658 Hand inscription labels 6HOIDGKHVLYHLQVFULSWLRQODEHOVLQ\HOORZZRYHQIDEULFIRUWDJJLQJRIHOHFWULFDOV\VWHPVHTXLSPHQWLGHQWLÌFDWLRQ stock and item labelling. Inscription with pencil, pen, printer etc. per sheet mm 40 2660 20 2662 Inspection stickers Inspection stickers are used quality assurance (QA) processes according DIN ISO 9000 ff, association with, e. legally stipulated inspections and within the context the German Accident Prevention Guidelines (UVV). Easy inscribe with pencil, pen and typewriter. Markings Self-laminating cable markers &DEOHPDUNHUVIRUVLPSOHIDVWDQGSHUPDQHQWLGHQWLÌFDWLRQRIFDEOHV &OHDU39VHOIDGKHVLYHVRIW39&ÌOPPPWKLFN3URWHFWVWKHLQVFULSWLRQEORFNIURPPHFKDQLFDOLQËXHQFHV The marker consists patented and transparent press-on section, white inscription surface, transparent protective section. Temperature-resistant from –30 +120 °C, durable adhesive power, high resistance. This especially applies the monitoring testing devices, equipment and systems, well important VXSSO\OLQHV FDEOHVSLSHVWXEHV 7KHUHDUHWZRZD\VWRDIÌ[WKHLQVSHFWLRQVWLFNHUVGLUHFWO\RQWRWKHLQVSHFWHG HTXLSPHQWRURQWRRQHRIWKHEDVLFVWLFNHUVSURYLGHGZKLFKDUHDIÌ[HGWRWKHHTXLSPHQW7KHGDWHRILQVSHFWLRQ LVGRFXPHQWHGZLWKDSHQRUQRWFKSOLHUV7KHLQVSHFWLRQVWLFNHUVFRQVLVWRIWDPSHUSURRIGRFXPHQWÌOPLHWR prevent misuse, the sticker irrevocably destroyed when attempt made remove it