CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 331 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Basic stickers WKHVHOIDGKHVLYHEDVLFVWLFNHUFRQVLVWVRIZKLWHZULWHRQSODVWLFÌOPWRZKLFKVWLFNHUVFDQEHUHSHDWHGO\DWWDFKHG ,WDGKHUHVZHOOWRDFOHDQVXUIDFHDQGLVGHVWUR\HGZKHQUHPRYHG7KHGRFXPHQWÌOPLVUHVLVWDQWWRZDWHUDOLSKDWLF solvents, and petroleum-based oils and fats.5 mm Pieces per sheet Outer conductor black 2620 Outer conductor black 2622 Outer conductor black 2624 Neutral conductor blue 2626 Protective conductor PE, green-yellow 2628 Neutral conductor protective function 2630 Earth 2632 Earth, does not comply with DIN 011 2634 .g.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 331 M G Design Size Article no. for simply marking stickers before they are removed from the backing material. 12. Pieces Dimensions per sheet mm 25 2690 ,GHQWLÌFDWLRQRIFRQGXFWRUV WKHVHOIDGKHVLYHÌOPV\PEROVIRUWKHPDUNLQJRIQRQLQVXODWHGDQGLQVXODWHGFRQGXFWRUVKRXVLQJVVZLWFKFDELQHWV and equipment are available range sizes sheet for rapid application. The symbols correspond the VWDQGDUGV',1',1DQGWKH,(&0DWHULDO6HOIDGKHVLYH39&ÌOPZLWKODPLQDWLRQPPWKLFN Temperature resistant from –30°C +100°C, dirt-repellent, durable adhesive power. Opening depth mm round recess 120 1650 Please specify any custom recess when ordering. Control pliers for paper punches and thin plastics, e