CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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de M S Design Size Article no. 600 1550 Electrician’s spirit level ZLWKIRXUÌ[HGPDUNHUSRLQWDWPPLQWHUYDOVZKLFKNHHSWRDSUHFLVHVZLWFKRUVRFNHWGLVWDQFHZLWKWZROHYHOV (horizontal, vertical), with milled surface and shock-absorbing end caps.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 200 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. 400 1520 600 1522 800 1523 1000 1524 with two magnets 600 1526 . 470 1552 Mini spirit level %R[VHFWLRQPDGHRIDOXPLQLXPZLWKVKRFNUHVLVWDQWSODVWLFOHYHOFHUWLÌHGDFFXUDF\VKRFNUHVLVWDQWHQGFDSV Practical for any tool belt and small pockets. Electrician’s safety spirit levels made non-conducting, non-warping plastic, with horizontal and vertical bubble level 400 1435 800 1437 with three levels horizontal, vertical, 45°), made non-conductive, distortion-free plastic with ergonomic recessed grips and patented level housing 600 1536 Switch cabinet spirit level torpedo-shaped, with three levels which are easy read horizontal, vertical, 45°), a magnetic V-ledge for pipes cables well robust rubber end caps 230 1540 Switch cabinet spirit level with Plumb Site® Dual-View™ level, made non-conductive plastic with robust aluminium rail and integrated magnetic ledge, three levels horizontal, vertical, 45°) 250 1542 Measurement and marking spirit level made aluminium, stable, triangular design, two inserted levels (horizontal, vertical), two slide markers, mm and scale, well zero point and central point indicators, slider with blade guide for cutting paper, removable nail gripper remove nails from walls. Two levels (horizontal, vertical) with milled surface and shock-absorbing end caps. 100 1556 Lightweight metal spirit level with Plumb Site® Dual-View™ level. The adjustable sliders have been set into the aluminium SURÌOHWRHQDEOHPRUHSUHFLVHGLVSOD\RIGULOOKROHVLQKRUL]RQWDORUYHUWLFDODUUDQJHPHQW,GHDODVDPDUNLQJ template for setting switch boxes