CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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de C S Design Size Article no.0, with rod ends 2. With integrated accessory set and special gripping aid Kati® Grip, each set contains guide head ø, 3 rod ends and rod ends 2. For trouble-free operation, recommend the use the cable pull products the Kati® Blitz series and the guide heads.0 Comfortable cable winding Same cable winding device with the Kati® Blitz 2.0 the rod, connecting sleeves, cable lugs, FDEOHGUDZJULSPP¹ÌEUHJODVVÌ[DGKHVLYH JERWWOH 30 4630 - 2. 1 2360 - Replacement bar For Kati® Blitz compact and Kati® Blitz 2. Targeted location and tracking the pipe path blocked places. - Comfortable cable winding Same cable winding device with the Kati® Blitz but with additional detection function via common cable detectors.0 Comfortable cable winding with crank function for winding the rod into the housing, improved service cover and wear-resistant tie outlet.0 the rod, connecting sleeves, cable lugs, cable draw grip ø, ÌEUHJODVVÌ[DGKHVLYH JERWWOH Detection 2034 - Comfortable cable winding With integrated accessory set and special gripping aid Kati® Grip, each set contains guide head rod HQGVDQGURGHQGVRQWKHURGFRQQHFWLQJVOHHYHVFDEOHOXJVFDEOHGUDZJULSPP¹ÌEUHJODVV Ì[DGKHVLYH JERWWOH 20 2020 30 2024 50 2028 - 2.0 Detection 2035 Product video PowerDrive cable pull system .0 20 2120 30 2122 50 2124 - Replacement bar For Kati® Blitz detection 2. moving external parts and interchangeable slip ring transmitters. 20 1620 30 1630 without crank function 1650 - EASY GRIP )RUWKHHQHUJ\VDYLQJDQGIDWLJXHIUHHLQVHUWLRQRIDPPÌEUHJODVVURGLQWRHPSW\FRQGXLWV 7KHWUDQVIHURIIRUFHWDNHVSODFHE\PHDQVRIDWZRMDZFODPSLQJV\VWHPZLWKIRUPÌWWLQJFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHÌEUHJODVVURG Max. With reliable Polykat® ÌEUHJODVVSURÌOHLQLPSDFWUHVLVWDQWKRXVLQJ:LWKLQWHJUDWHGDFFHVVRU\VHWLQHDFKFDVHZLWK 2 guide heads and rod ends 2. thrust power: kg 1 2180 PowerDrive cable pull system )RUOLJKWQLQJIDVWWUDQVSRUWDWLRQRIÌEUHJODVVURGV œPP LQFRQÌQHGVSDFHVHYHQLQSODFHVZKLFKDUHGLIÌFXOW to access.0 and rod ends 2.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 110 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.0, but with additional detection function (connection the front). With reliable Polykat® ÌEUHJODVVSURÌOHLQ impact-resistant housing. With integrated accessory set, each case with guide heads and rod ends 2. Drive takes place means commercially available cordless screwdriver with 1 /4“ hex drive.0 and rod ends RQWKHURGFRQQHFWLQJVOHHYHVFDEOHOXJVFDEOHGUDZJULSPP¹ÌEUHJODVVÌ[DGKHVLYH (3 bottle). Targeted location and tracking the pipe path blocked places. Internal, protected slip ring transmitter.0 with rod ends 2