CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
0 20 2120 30 2122 50 2124 - Replacement bar For Kati® Blitz detection 2.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 110 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.0 Comfortable cable winding with crank function for winding the rod into the housing, improved service cover and wear-resistant tie C S Design Size Article no. Targeted location and tracking the pipe path blocked places.0 the rod, connecting sleeves, cable lugs, cable draw grip ø, ÌEUHJODVVÌ[DGKHVLYH JERWWOH Detection 2034 - Comfortable cable winding With integrated accessory set and special gripping aid Kati® Grip, each set contains guide head rod HQGVDQGURGHQGVRQWKHURGFRQQHFWLQJVOHHYHVFDEOHOXJVFDEOHGUDZJULSPP¹ÌEUHJODVV Ì[DGKHVLYH JERWWOH 20 2020 30 2024 50 2028 - 2. 1 2360 - Replacement bar For Kati® Blitz compact and Kati® Blitz 2.0 and rod ends 2. Targeted location and tracking the pipe path blocked places. For trouble-free operation, recommend the use the cable pull products the Kati® Blitz series and the guide heads. Drive takes place means commercially available cordless screwdriver with 1 /4“ hex drive. With reliable Polykat® ÌEUHJODVVSURÌOHLQ impact-resistant housing.0 with rod ends 2. Internal, protected slip ring transmitter.0, with rod ends 2. - Comfortable cable winding Same cable winding device with the Kati® Blitz but with additional detection function via common cable detectors.0, but with additional detection function (connection the front).0 the rod, connecting sleeves, cable lugs, FDEOHGUDZJULSPP¹ÌEUHJODVVÌ[DGKHVLYH JERWWOH 30 4630 - 2.0 and rod ends RQWKHURGFRQQHFWLQJVOHHYHVFDEOHOXJVFDEOHGUDZJULSPP¹ÌEUHJODVVÌ[DGKHVLYH (3 bottle). moving external parts and interchangeable slip ring transmitters. With reliable Polykat® ÌEUHJODVVSURÌOHLQLPSDFWUHVLVWDQWKRXVLQJ:LWKLQWHJUDWHGDFFHVVRU\VHWLQHDFKFDVHZLWK 2 guide heads and rod ends 2.0 Comfortable cable winding Same cable winding device with the Kati® Blitz 2. thrust power: kg 1 2180 PowerDrive cable pull system )RUOLJKWQLQJIDVWWUDQVSRUWDWLRQRIÌEUHJODVVURGV œPP LQFRQÌQHGVSDFHVHYHQLQSODFHVZKLFKDUHGLIÌFXOW to access. With integrated accessory set, each case with guide heads and rod ends 2. With integrated accessory set and special gripping aid Kati® Grip, each set contains guide head ø, 3 rod ends and rod ends 2. 20 1620 30 1630 without crank function 1650 - EASY GRIP )RUWKHHQHUJ\VDYLQJDQGIDWLJXHIUHHLQVHUWLRQRIDPPÌEUHJODVVURGLQWRHPSW\FRQGXLWV 7KHWUDQVIHURIIRUFHWDNHVSODFHE\PHDQVRIDWZRMDZFODPSLQJV\VWHPZLWKIRUPÌWWLQJFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHÌEUHJODVVURG Max.0 Detection 2035 Product video PowerDrive cable pull system