CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. Highlight: The two-stage cutting zone: 1. Particularly suitable for exact cutting cables without deformation. ø 200 0112 VDE cable shears For copper and aluminium cables, very good cutting performance, made from case-hardened PPËDWWRROVWHHOSUHFLVLRQJURXQGFXWWLQJHGJHVÌQHO\EURQ]HG 2-component plastic handle sleeves, with special blade IRUÌQHZLUHFDEOHVXSWR¹PP • VDE approved • According IEC 60900 and VDE 0682 part 201 • Product conforms the current Product Safety Act (ProdSG) for cable solid mm2 ËH[LEOHPP2 18 180 0114 Cable shears For copper and aluminium cables, excellent cutting performance, made from case-hardened PPËDWWRROVWHHOSUHFLVLRQJURXQGFXWWLQJHGJHVÌQHO\EURQ]HGFRPSRQHQWSODVWLFKDQGOHVOHHYHV ZLWKVSHFLDOEODGHIRUÌQHZLUHFDEOHVXSWR¹PP for cable solid mm2 ËH[LEOHPP2 18 180 0116 One-hand cable shears For copper and aluminium cables, excellent cutting performance, smooth cut with deformation, die-forged, precision ground, adjustable screw joint, 2-component plastic handle sleeves for cable solid mm2 ËH[LEOHPP2 16 160 0104 1000 one-hand cable shears For copper and aluminium cables, excellent cutting performance, smooth cut without deformation with double dip-coated special insulation for cable solid mm2 ËH[LEOHPP2 16 160 0206 One-hand cable shears for copper and aluminium cables, excellent cutting performance, smooth cut without deformation, die-forged, precision ground, adjustable screw joint, 2-component plastic handle sleeves for cable solid mm2 ËH[LEOHPP2 25 200 0100 Product video DUOCUT cable shears NEW NEW NEW . Large blade for sheathed cables max. Small blade for single conductors max. VDE/GS approved, according IEC 60900 and VDE 0682 part 201. Large blade for sheathed cables max. Weight: 175 g. ø 2. Particularly suitable for exact cutting cables without deformation. Highlight: The two-stage cutting zone: 1. ø 2. Small blade for single conductors max. ø 160 0108 DUOCUT cable shears Innovative cable shears for copper and aluminium cables with multi-component VDE S S Design Size Article no. The handles the shears can be opened 140°, consequently longitudinal cut possible. The handles the shears can be opened 140°, consequently longitudinal cut possible. Weight: 300 g. DUOCUT cable shears Innovative cable shears for copper and aluminium cables with multi-component VDE case. VDE/GS approved, according IEC 60900 and VDE 0682 part 201