CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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With visual (LED) and acoustic error signals. The voltage tester manufactured meet the latest DIN standards and VDE/GS tested.5 100 120 250 190 1288 Voltage tester Drei-Ve The new voltage tester from CIMCO simply sits better the hand due the innovative triangular M S Design Size Article no. range Volt 3.0 150 250 155 1282 . range Volt 3. 145 1440 Voltage tester with clear transparent, impact-resistant plastic haft, VDE tested W Test. Test lead set, pieces Contains: item each of Test lead red Test lead black Crocodile clip grey red Crocodile clip grey black Test probe, grey black Test probe, grey red 1 1485 1RQFRQWDFWYROWDJHWHVWHU9ROWÌ[DQG0DJQR9ROWÌ[ • Reliably displays voltages from Measurement category CAT 1000 V • Two selectable voltage ranges/sensitivity levels Integrated torch • The white tip forms bright, all-round signal display Suitable for aircraft information systems 400 Hz • Acoustic display via integrated tone generator l(OHFWULFÌHOGVDUHGLVSOD\HGLQUHG • Automatic time-controlled switch-off On/Off switch with visual display • Splash-water-protected, robust housing Battery monitoring with visual warning • Slim, insulated measuring sensor suitable for EU, and US electrical sockets 9ROWÌ[YROWDJHWHVWHU 1460 0DJQR9ROWÌ[YROWDJHWHVWHU LQFOPDJQHWLFÌHOGGHWHFWLRQ 1465 Cable detective Test instrument for mains copper cables, for discovering connection faults customised data cables and complete installations. The Drei-Ve voltage tester has ergonomically shaped triangular handle transparent, impact-resistant plastic.0 120 250 140 1280 3. W Test.100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. practical belt bag, for 9-Volt E-block battery, with comprehensive operating instructions. Even longer cables laid 200 can tested a single person. The curved vertical contour allows the best possible contact pressure and the appropriately shaped holding clip on the handle will secure shirt overall pocket. All coaxial connections with BNC/TNC connectors, USB cables and all UTP/STP cabling with 8 pin modular plugs can checked seconds for wire breaks, pin assignment and short circuits, both for individual conductors and for shielding. The “Cable Detective” reduces the tedious, fraught and expensive search for cable faults minimum