CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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The locator box can easily stored the tool handle and equipped with Allen key accessory. Socket wrench (CIMCO-Article no.6 (AWG 22) 125 0712 1.9 diameter.8 7. The different colours the locators provide the option reserve set locators for selected types cable which appear frequently. 58, 59, 62, adjustable blade cutting depth, interchangeable blades, select from cutting distances mm, and mm 110 0098 CUT AND STRIP cable sheath stripper incremental trimming and stripping sheaths and insulation all common coaxial cables well many ËH[LEOHFDEOHVLQWHJUDWHGFDEOHFXWWHUXSWRPP2 , for all common cables 4.8 7.130 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TiN TiN Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco.5 0027 with length scaling 4.5 ø 4. 2127) 4. Locator box for 0009 and 0005 with the locator system, the user can equip their Allrounder sheath stripper CIMCO article no. 0009 also UNI-Plus &,0&2DUWLFOHQRZLWKDIRUFHDQGKHLJKWOLPLWHU ORFDWRU $IWHUGHÌQLQJWKHEODGHVSDFLQJE\SUHFLVHO\ setting the locator the wall thickness the cable, the depth which the blade can penetrate the cable sheath is OLPLWHG7KLVVLJQLÌFDQWO\VSHHGVXSLQVXODWLRQVWULSSLQJRQW\SHRIFDEOHZKLFKDSSHDUIUHTXHQWO\%\DGMXVWLQJWKH locator, the blade spacing the Allrounder sheath stripper can precisely set from 4.5 1027 Nut driver size accessory PDGHRIKLJKO\ULJLGÌEUHJODVVUHLQIRUFHGSODVWLFWRIDVWHQ)FRQQHFWRUV +(; IRUUHWURÌWWLQJWKHFDEOHVKHDWK stripper COAXI (CIMCO-Article no.2 Application for coaxial cables Cable sheath stripper COAXI for all common cables 4.8 7.5 ø, especially suited for coaxial cable (antenna cable), incl.8 7.8 7. 1 9009 DUOSTRIPPER wire stripping tool Sheath and insulation stripping with one tool. Sheath stripping: cable ø Insulation stripping: conductors 0. 0027) 1 2127 ECONOMY coaxial cable stripping tool for coaxial cable, esp. 7KHORFDWRUV\VWHPDOORZVFXWLQMXULHVFDXVHGE\VKDUSEODGHVWREHDYRLGHGDQGDOORZVDVSHFLÌHGOHYHORISURFHVV safety attained cable processing.0 11.5 mm2 4 0048 Varnish stripper for wires mm 0.0 mm2 or AWG 11 5 0034 NEW .de W S Design Size Article no. Sheath stripping: for all common round cables ø.5 (AWG 24) 125 0710 0.5 0026 $SSOLFDWLRQIRUQHWZRUNFDEOHVÌEUHRSWLFFDEOHV PC-STRIP insulation stripper Special wire stripping tool for data and control lines, communication lines, system cables, etc. Insulation stripping: automatic adjustment conductor cross sections 0.2 4