CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 131 z 388

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8 mm2 4. adjustment the cutting depth required, individual blades the side for stripping the insulation from both internal conductors (1.6 ø. Working range 3. 4., CAT CAT CAT cable, twisted pair cable) with 4.5 mm2 8 0022 2. 125 0019 CAN-STRIP cable sheath stripper Sheath stripper for Data Bus Twisted Pair cables and cables. TÜV/GS-tested. PC-CAT insulation stripper Special wire stripping tool for PVC-insulated data communication and control lines (e. 3. The insulation stripping blades are equipped with premium titanium nitrate coating for precise cuts.3 and 0.3 3.5 0015 Sheath strippers for power and safety cables IRUDOOFRPPRQVKRUWFLUFXLWSURRIDQGVKRUWWRJURXQGSURRIËDPHUHVLVWDQWKDORJHQIUHHOLQHV (NSGAFÖU, VER H07RN-F, ignition cable), cutting depth adjustment required, with integrated length stop for conductor cross sect.5 mm.5 and 0.5 mm2 4 mm2 160 0720 .131 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 W S Design Size Article no. length stop 1. is not necessary adjust the cutting depth the respective diameter the special blade position perfectly strips the outer insulation and the metal foil shield can then also scored and removed.5 0017 for PVC-insulated data cables (e.g.g.4 Multiple application, also for crimping wire end ferrules DUOCRIMP multi-function tool for cutting off and stripping insulation from conductors and stranded wires, well for crimping non-insulated and insulated wire end ferrules.5 mm2 ).3 3.2, 0.5 mm2 to mm2 10 0023 10 mm2 to mm2 12 0024 Sheath stripper and stripping tool for rubberised AS-interface cable for quick and precise sheath and insulation stripping from two-conductor actuator sensor interface (AS-i) cable ZLWKUXEEHULVHGSURÌOHGRXWHULQVXODWLRQXSWRDZLGWKRIPP7KHFXWWLQJEODGHVDUHGHVLJQHGIRUWKHVSHFLDOFDEOH shape. :RUNLQJUDQJHRIGLDJRQDOSOLHUVËH[LEOH mm2 solid mm2 Working range insulation stripper mm2 Crimping areas 0.6 100 0007 Universal insulation stripper DATA STRIP for data cable IRUWULPPLQJDQGVWULSSLQJVKHDWKVDQGLQVXODWLRQIURPURXQGDQGËDWFDEOHVVKLHOGHGDQGXQVKLHOGHG cables, adjustable cutting depth, interchangeable blades, for cables from ø 2 110 0092 LWL wire stripper 3UHFLVLRQLQVXODWLRQVWULSSHUZLWKVWULSSLQJVWDWLRQVIRUSULPDU\FRDWLQJVHFRQGDU\FRDWLQJDQGRXWHUVKHDWKRIÌEUH optic cables; pre-set cutting depth, however continuously adjustable, locking mechanism, ergonomic 2-component handles 1 1104 1.5 2., CAT CAT CAT cable, twisted pair cable), sheath stripping for cables 4