CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Optical length measurement 5 /16“ for continuously consistent stripping lengths for volume work with wire end ferrules and cable lugs.08 mm2 1 0730 Replacement blade 0731 MINIM automatic wire stripper IRUVROLGDQGËH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUVDQGVWUDQGHGZLUHVZLWK39&LQVXODWLRQZRUNLQJUDQJHmPP2 , automatic setting conductor cross-section, interchangeable blade, adjustable length stop for stripping length from 15 mm, integrated wire cutter (solid 1. 0.5 mm. 0.5 mm2 (AWG AWG 6) 0.5 mm2 170 0770 Replacement blade 0773 'HVLJQHGIRUDQGFRQGXFWRUËDWFDEOHIURPWRPP2 and maximum widths mm max. The special sensor system adjusts itself automatically the respective conductor cross section and protects the interior conductors IURPGDPDJH$ÌQHIROGSUHVVXUHVHWWLQJWRYDULRXVFDEOHW\SHVDQGGLDPHWHUVLVSRVVLEOH:LWKLQWHJUDWHG HDVLO\DFFHVVLEOHGLDJRQDOSOLHUVIRUËH[LEOHDQGVROLGFRSSHUFRQGXFWRUVRIXSWRPP¹(UJRQRPLFSLVWROJULSIRU fatigue-free work, weight only 200 g. Integrated high-performance wire cutter. Optimal force transmission and window to push the cable through provide insulation stripping depending the cable W S Design Size Article no. $OVRVXLWDEOHIRUSUREOHPDWLFLQVXODWLRQVXFKDVVLOLFRQHLQVXODWLRQRURXWHUVKHDWKVPDGHRI39&RUËH[LEOHUXEEHU cable (e.2 mm2 1 0736 Replacement blade 0737 EASYSTRIP wire stripper Automatic stripping tool for and wires 0. Weight 198 g 0.75 mm2 ).5 mm2 1 0738 Replacement blade 0739 Automatic wire stripper IRUËH[LEOHVWUDQGHGZLUHVDQGVROLGFRQGXFWRUVRIWRPP2 . 0. Adjustable stripping length from 2. damage the conductors due special, self-adjusting, interchangeable segmented blades. Automatic opening the gripping device after insulation stripping. With wire cutter 0.5 mm2 ËH[LEOHXSWRPP2 ), particularly ergonomic “Pistols” design, weight 260 g.5 mm2 180 0755 Automatic wire stripper IRUËH[LEOHVWUDQGHGZLUHVDQGVROLGFRQGXFWRUVRIPP2 . Especially ergonomic, energy-saving design. With wire cutter 0. Designed for round cable 0.1 Universal application: Single conductors, installation cables, underground cables POWER STRIP wire stripper that automatically adjusts itself the conductor cross section, suitable for several common cables. Chapter Automatic wire strippers Insulation stripping tools where the process stripping and removing the insulation primarily performed automatically the mechanical function the tool. 2.g. Automatic adjustment.5 mm2 (AWG AWG 10), integrated diagonal pliers for wires 2. Adjustable stripping length from mm. Weight 160 g.132 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. Automatic adjustment.08 mm2 135 0732 Replacement blade 0733 .08 2. 170 0771 Replacement blade 0772 MAXIM automatic wire stripper IRUÌQHO\ZLUHGDQGVROLGFRQGXFWRUVZLWK39&LQVXODWLRQ)RUURXQGRYDODQGËDWFDEOHVRIPP2 . Stripping length with stop can set from for volume work.8 especially light and ergonomic