CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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connect sensor actuator distributor boxes, bus couplers, and plug connectors quick and easy to GR6XLWDEOHIRU385KDORJHQIUHHVHQVRUDFWXDWRUFDEOHVKLJKO\ËH[LEOH73(8FDEOHV385FDEOHV PUR PVC cables, PVC cables, multi-core cable constructions well shielded and unshielded cables, round cables 3.2 4. width and 0. Automatic wire stripper ZLUHVWULSSHUWKDWDXWRPDWLFDOO\DGMXVWVLWVHOIWRWKHFRQGXFWRUFURVVVHFWLRQIRUVROLGDQGËH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUVDQG stranded wires from 0. Due the absence length stop, cables can stripped any desired length.4 165 0746 Replacement blade 0743 SENSOR MINI wire stripper designed for processing sensor cables with new type blade, precise distance PVC- PUR- cable sheaths from 3.2 mm2 to mm2 (AWG AWG 10), suitable for standard insulation (e.2 Application for sensor lines SENSOR SPEZIAL automatic wire stripper wire stripper developed especially for halogen-free PUR and PVC cables, removes the outer sheath without damaging the inner conductors the braid.2 mm2 1 0775 Replacement blade 0777 SUPER PLUS wire stripper IRUËH[LEOHVWUDQGHGZLUHVDQGVROLGFRQGXFWRUVVXLWDEOHIRUDOPRVWDOOLQVXODWLRQW\SHV,QDQHUJRQRPLFSLVWRO VKDSHZLWKDGMXVWDEOHOHQJWKVWRSRIWRPP$XWRPDWLFDGMXVWPHQWWRFURVVVHFWLRQVRIPP WR PP XVLQJDVSHFLDOVHQVRUV\VWHP6WDEOHHDVLO\DFFHVVLEOHVLGHFXWWHUIRUZLUHVWRPP2 . Weight 120 g.4 Weight: 126 g 3.5 mm2 , with adjustable length stop from mm for volume work, especially ergonomic due handy pistol shape, handle with soft plastic insert.133 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 W S Design Size Article no.2 upwards without damaging the conductors the braid.4 mm.g.2 4.4 165 0747 Replacement blade 0753 .2 mm2 160 0780 Replacement blade 0764 Automatic wire stripper SAFETY-STRIP IRUËH[LEOHVWUDQGHGZLUHVDQGVROLGFRQGXFWRUVRIWRPP2 , with protective insulation 1000 volts, tested according DIN 900, automatic adjustment the conductor cross section, integrated length stop and closer for transport and storage 1000 0. Automatic adjustment conductor cross section, damage conductor eliminated.2 mm2 1 0762 MAXISTRIP wire stripper IRUTXLFNDQGSUREOHPIUHHLQVXODWLRQVWULSSLQJRIËH[LEOHVWUDQGHGZLUHVDQGVROLGFRQGXFWRUVRIPP2 . 0. The sensor system for the pliers automatically adjusts the various cable diameters.g. Interchangeable blade weight 150 g 0. 0724 Replacement blade 0726 2. PVC), integrated wire cutter for copper and aluminium wires 2. max. Stripping the insulation off cables, e. 0. Automatic adjustment and special blade geometry ensure secure insulation stripping for the following cable types: Halogen-free sensor/actuator cables with PUR PVC outer sheath, 8-conductor cable construction, shielded or unshielded (e.g. 6 mm2 180 0744 Replacement blade 0745 TÜV Ribbon cable pliers automatic wire stripper suitable for PVC insulated ribbon cable max.34 mm2 unshielded 0. With optical length stop mm.5 mm2 , cross-section, optical length stop mm, not necessary adjust the pliers, length stripped can freely selected.25 mm2 shielded), round cable 4. 4.75 2