CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 134 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Particularly suitable for XVHLQFRQÌQHGZRUNLQJFRQGLWLRQV$RUPPZLGHFDEOHRSHQLQJLVFUHDWHGDWDQ\SRLQWLQWKHFDEOHLQWKUHHVWHSV cutting depth 1.5 mm2 , 1.5 mm2 1 0774 Replacement blade 0779 2.4 Application for solar lines Automatic wire stripper for all common solar cables 1. Round cut the left and right of the longitudinal cut through longitudinal cut 1/4 rotational movement pliers up 175 0752 up 175 0751 Image video Insulation stripping in new dimensions .3 Application for problematic insulations, such rubber, VLOLFRQH73(7HËRQHWF HIGHSTRIP wire stripper IRUTXLFNDQGDEVROXWHO\SUHFLVHVWULSSLQJRIHYHQSUREOHPDWLFLQVXODWLRQVWULSSLQJVXFKDV7HËRQ39&UXEEHU73( VLOLFRQH7++17+:1300$ÌEUHRSWLFFDEOHVZLWK3(VKHDWKHJmmmmPP Damage the conductor stranded wires eliminated, weight 100 g.5 mm2 to mm2 that are used the photovoltaic sector. Due the precise, ÌQHIROGDGMXVWPHQWVWULSSLQJHYHQWKHPXOWLOD\HUHGLQVXODWLRQRIVRODUFDEOHVLVQRSUREOHP2SWLFDOOHQJWK measurement mm, 5 /16“ for continuously consistent stripping lengths.g. With integrated, easily accessible diagonal pliers for cable Ergonomic pistol grip for fatigue-free work.2 mm.5 mm2 ) shielded lines.5 mm2 , 2. Fibre glass reinforced tool body, interchangeable blade, specially ground and hardened, weight only 120 g 160 0748 Replacement blade 0749 2. Weight 240 g 1. 0.5 Application for AS-interface cables Sheath strippers for AS-interface cable with TPE PUR insulation for quick and precise sheath stripping from two-conductor actuator sensor interface (AS-i) cable ZLWKSURÌOHGRXWHULQVXODWLRQPDGHRI73( WKHUPRSODVWLFHODVWRPHU RU385 SRO\XUHWKDQH XSWRDZLGWKRI PP6SHFLDOEODGHFRQWRXUWKDWDGMXVWVWRWKHFDEOHSURÌOHQRFXWWLQJGHSWKDGMXVWPHQWUHTXLUHGQRWSRVVLEOH to damage inner conductors.6 Application for cable sheath sections OUTLET SPECIAL wire stripper suited for round cables (e. W S Design Size Article no.134 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. Compatible with OBO cable laying system.5 mm2 160 0740 Replacement blade 0741 2., NYM 1