CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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5 2. Chapter Precision insulation stripper Stripping tools which are primarily operated mechanically and are suitable for VPDOODQGPLQLDWXUHFDEOHDQGOLQHGLPHQVLRQVWKDQNVWRSUHGHÌQHGJULGV 3.00 0089 . For applications in electronics, computer and networking technology, alarm and bell systems, wire wrapping, telecommunications, data communication, model construction. Insulation stripping working range 0.5 mm2 2.00 0031 Replacement blade 0099 5DQJHZLWKÌ[HGZRUNLQJUDQJH SWS-PLUS mini-precision insulation stripper lightweight and convenient mini-precision stripping tool for stripping the sheath off conductors and stranded wires.12 0091 0. 6XLWDEOHIRUFRQGXFWRUVZLWKRXWHULQVXODWLRQRI39&7HËRQ® , KYNAR® , TEFZEL® , and MYLAR® . QUADRO case complete 0728 QUADRO changer magazine 0727 QUADRO pliers with storage 180 0725 For strip goods, see page 307 chapter 21.135 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 W S Design Size Article no.16 0093 0.25 0.25 0083 0.30 1.80 0088 1. Particularly helpful for assembly workstations the working range can be SUHFLVHO\VHWÌUPO\DWDSDUWLFXODUFDEOHGLDPHWHUDYRLGLQJDQ\GDPDJHWRWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJZRUNSLHFHV mm AWG 0. 4.4 0097 red push button 0.80 0033 blue push button 0. Cutting for wires and stranded wires 2. Crimping ËDZOHVVFULPSLQJRIPP2 by appropriate trapezoidal crimping.12 0.20 0095 0.25 1.1 Range with adjustable working range Precision insulation stripper PWS-PLUS ideal for applications electronics, computer technology, telecommunications, data communications, model building, etc.8 Especially suitable for stripping conductors with outer insulation PVC, 7HËRQ|.7 Multiple application, also for crimping wire end ferrules QUADRO wire stripper The pliers with functions IRUHIÌFLHQWDQGSUHFLVHSURFHVVLQJRILQVXODWHGZLUHHQGIHUUXOHVLQVWULSIRUPIURPmPP2 Functions: 1.<1$5® , TEFZEL® and MYLAR® .30 0084 0.00 adjustable length stop and cutting mechanism for wires 0. 2. Twisting no fanning out the wires means safe feed-in the conductor into the wire end ferrule. Adjustable stripping range from 0.40 0085 0.60 0087 0. Working range AWG grey push button 0.5 mm2 3.50 0086 0