CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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80 0037 0. approx 500 °C, the cutting blade vapour coated with titanium nitrite vacuum chamber according the PVD process.25 0. (6'UDQJH HOHFWURVWDWLFGLVFKDUJHV ESD-PLUS mini-precision insulation stripper lightweight and convenient mini-precision stripping tool for stripping the sheath off conductors and stranded wires. Protected hooked blade with adjustable depth; automatic protection mechanism order to avoid unintentional slipping and cut injuries. Tool housing made electrostatically discharging W S Design Size Article no.30 1. 8 2016 Exchangeable hook blades for 2016 4 2020 8 2021 27 2022 35 2023 50 2024 Replacement parts Hook blade, TiN-coated 2025 5HSODFHPHQWEODGH LQQHUEODGH for all automatic cable stripping knives 1 0020 Cable stripping knife Two-component tool with non-slip, soft grip insert and thumb grip for optimal handling. Blade system very easy exchange without using tools; blade size delivered for cable diameter mm. Both the tips the inner cable stripping knives and the cutting edges the attached clamping blades are coated with titanium nitrite.00 0039 Chapter Cable stripping knife Cable stripping knife with one more functions. 7L1FRDWHGEODGHVFDQEHXVHGZLWKVLJQLÌFDQWO\KLJKHUGXUDELOLW\DQGFXWWLQJSHUIRUPDQFH Cable stripping knife Design with changeable blades and TiN-coated safety blade. Two-component tool with improved ergonomics for better control during the stripping process and safe operation. mm AWG 0. Handle shells wear-resistant polyamide. Automatic cable stripping knife Cable stripping knife, time-tested through millions uses, for round and longitudinal cuts, individually screw- adjustable cutting depth that eliminates damage the inner conductors. with hooked blade 8 0010 with straight blade 8 0011 Product video Cable stripping knife .12 0.40 0035 0. Excellent gliding qualities and high resistance wear and abrasion are achieved through the reduced surface area structure and the extremely high level hardness. Especially suitable for conductors with outer insulation RI39&7HËRQ® , KYNAR® , TEFZEL® and MYLAR® .136 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TiN TiN TiN Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. For applications where electrostatic discharge could damage the components. Adjustable and scalable inner blade for longitudinal and round cut