CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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for slitting open and stripping sheaths from moisture-proof cables. 8 0008 Protective cap Replacement protective cap for all automatic cable stripping knives with blade. $QDGMXVWPHQWVFUHZHQDEOHVWKHFXWWLQJGHSWKWREHLQGLYLGXDOO\DGMXVWHG+DQGOHVKHOOVRIZHDUUHVLVWDQWÌEUHJODVV reinforced polyamide.0 mm2 ) via folding mechanism handle end.8 1.5 4.137 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TiN TiN TiN W S Design Size Article no.5 2. with hooked blade 8 1010 with straight blade 8 1011 Cable stripping knife without blade Standard design with enlarged adjusting screw.5 0. 4 0012 8 0014 28 0016 35 0018 50 0013 Cable stripping knife Standard design with enlarged adjusting screw. Insulation stripping (0. adjustment screw enables the cutting depth individually DGMXVWHG+DQGOHVKHOOVRIZHDUUHVLVWDQWÌEUHJODVVUHLQIRUFHGSRO\DPLGH+RRNHGEODGHIROGDZD\DQGORFNDEOH 4 0006 SAFETY STRIPPER PLUS automatic cable stripping knife Cable stripping knife with self-rotating blade for round and longitudinal cuts, for cable from (5 /32“ 1 /8“).0 6. 4 1012 8 1014 Cable stripping knife without blade fully insulated, all individual parts except for inner knife made plastic, for stripping sheaths from all conventional cables, with enlarged adjusting screw. 1 1020 SAFETY STRIPPER automatic cable stripping knife Cable stripping knife with self-rotating blade for round and longitudinal cuts, for cable from (5 /32“ 1 /8“). Cable stripping knife without blade for slitting open and stripping sheaths from moisture-proof cables, 2-component tool with non-slip, soft grip insert and thumb grip for optimal hold. 4 0004