CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 349 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Typical areas use: 8QLYHUVDOJDIIHUWDSHIRUWUDGHDQGLQGXVWU\FRORXUHGLGHQWLÌFDWLRQDQGPDUNLQJRIFDEOHVHOHFWULFDOFRPSRQHQWV SLSHVDQGGXFWVODEHOOLQJRIVZLWFKFDELQHWVGLVWULEXWRUVSDWFKED\VIRUEXQGOLQJÌ[LQJVHFXULQJDQGUHLQIRUFLQJRI cables, pipes and tubes, for masking during decorating and painting work.349 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C S Design Width Length Article no. black 2000 white 2001 grey 2002 blue 2003 yellow 2004 red 2005 green 2006 black 2010 white 2011 grey 2012 blue 2013 yellow 2014 red 2015 green 2016 black 2020 white 2021 grey 2022 blue 2023 yellow 2024 red 2025 green 2026 black 2030 white 2031 grey 2032 blue 2033 yellow 2034 red 2035 green 2036 black 2040 white 2041 grey 2042 blue 2043 yellow 2044 red 2045 green 2046 black 2050 white 2051 grey 2052 blue 2053 yellow 2054 red 2055 green 2056 . Woven insulation tapes Universal quality woven tape Description: Extruded woven tape, coated the one side with waterproof polyethylene coating, the other side with an aggressive, non-corrosive, pressure-sensitive adhesive. Special features: Matt, water- and weatherproof equipment, very easy write with pencil, ball-point pen, permanent marker, felt pen and etching pen, largely resistant many chemicals, insensitive softeners and oil vapours, very good electrical properties, can easily torn off crossways and particularly neatly hand