CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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8774 and 8743 562 361 250 Set 4883 incl. Weight (empty): 1.g. High-quality material for continuous use professional environment.82 338 260 5414 PSC vario Set cases with variable inner compartment through the use inserts the CARRY-LITE series (grid layout: 8 OHQJWKZLVH[ZLGH36&YDULROHQJWKZLVH[ZLGH FDVHOLGZLWK8SURÌOHVIRUQRQVOLSVWRUDJHRI materials and loose inserts. Weight (kg) Dimensions (mm) Ì[ 0.Design Size Article no. S S Transporter box for CARRY-LITE Made durable plastic, for holding CARRY-LITE CARRY-LITE 55, with insertable intermediate bottoms, incl. With ergonomic carrying handle (not PSC vario 240).73 338 260 5407 Ì[ 0.90 338 261 2987 vario 0.30 240 195 5384 Ì[ 0. 2987 and 8423 Set 2004 Empty 1943 SUPERCLIPS workshop system Comprehensive system different hooks, holders and mounting brackets for storing tools, components, electrical devices and accessories the workshop. 9207 and 9191 562 361 250 Set 8188 PSC set cases ,QH[SHQVLYHWUDQVSRUWDQGVWRUDJHFDVHIRUVPDOOSDUWVZLWKÌ[HGRUYDULDEOHLQWHULRUGLYLGHUVRUZLWKRXWDQ\LQWHULRU dividers, made hard-wearing polypropylene, strong slide locks with ratcheting, stackable, can also set edge 36&Ì[ 6HWFDVHVZLWKÌ[HGLQWHULRUGLYLVLRQ Type Small cmpt.89 338 261 8423 PSC vario XL Set cases with variable interior division for CARRY-LITE series inserts Type Small cmpt. Type Small cmpt. Weight (kg) Dimensions (mm) vario none (empty) 0.34 240 195 9963 Ì[ 0.14 175 145 2857 Ì[ 0. SUPERCLIP 1 Straight universal hook with angular holding end, e.25 241 195 1898 vario 340 none (empty) 0. for screwdrivers Type 1-30 Pack 0709 1-60 Pack 0716 47 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . Clips can easily installed and relocated any time simply inserting them the special perforated panel order meet individual needs. shoulder strap, weight (empty) 2910 g incl.59 338 261 2970 vario 0.81 kg, dimensions: 376 265 310 mm incl. Can also ideally combined with raaco storage bins and the TRD tool rack. Weight (kg) Dimensions (mm) vario 240 none (empty) 0.60 338 261 0899 HANDYBOX for PSC set cases Sturdy, handy transport device for holding PSC set cases high and 338 long drawers, carrying KDQGOHWUDQVSRUWVDIHJXDUGDJDLQVWWKH36&VHWFDVHVVOLGLQJRXWXQLQWHQWLRQDOO\FRQQHFWLRQÌWWLQJVIRUQRQVOLS mounting several boxes next each other, also suitable for wall mounting