CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 45 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
4378 7966 Empty 7959 Foam insert for pre-perforated, for simple individual division (20 cubes) 393 273 4583 Labelling clips for 4x grey 4453 4x yellow 4446 4x green 4460 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .Design Size Article no. S S – Set case The boxxser series consists case variants different heights, made shock-resistant and unbreakable SRO\FDUERQDWHOLGRQDSRO\SURS\OHQHGRXEOHZDOOFRQVWUXFWLRQSURÌOHJULGLQOLGDQGEDVHVHFXUHWKHFDVHFRQWHQWV GXULQJWUDQVSRUWWZRÌ[HGGLYLGHUV QH[WWRWKHKDQGOH SURYLGHVSDFHIRUVWRULQJVPDOOSDUWVRUDFFHVVRULHV7KH LQWHJUDWHGSURÌOHJXLGHVRQWKHEDVHSURWHFWDQGVHFXUHWKHVHWFDVHZKHQVWDFNHG+DQGOHZLWKLQWHJUDWHGORFNLQJ mechanism prevents the case from coming open when carried. 4392 7942 Empty 7935 Dimensions: 342 347 305 mm for boxxser 55, incl. Dimensions: 342 290 247 mm for boxxser 55, incl. labelling clips (yellow, green, grey) Type (grid dimensions inserts) Dimensions (mm) boxxser 241 225 4385 boxxser 241 225 4392 boxxser 4-11) 241 225 4408 boxxser 298 284 4354 boxxser 5-13) 298 284 4361 boxxser 5-15) 298 284 4378 boxxser 354 323 4323 boxxser 6-12) 354 323 4347 boxxser 6-14) 354 323 4330 boxxser 10- 421 361 4293 boxxser 10-25) 421 361 4309 boxxser 10-45) 421 361 4316 HANDYBOX for Sturdy, handy transport device that holds boxxser 4x4 5x5 set cases drawers, carrying handle, transport locking mechanism prevents the set cases from sliding out unintentionally. 80 incl. labelling clips (yellow, green, grey) Type (grid dimensions inserts) Dimensions (mm) boxxser 10- 421 361 4255 boxxser 10-14) 421 361 4262 boxxser 10-20) 421 361 4279 boxxser 10-25) 421 361 4286 boxxser 465 401 4224 boxxser 8-18) 465 401 4231 boxxser 8-20) 465 401 4248 55 incl