CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 44 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
9 kg 474 239 190 7173 COMPACT 27 :LWKLQVHUWVZLWKRXWGLYLGLQJZDOOVZLWKGUDZHUVQRRSWLRQRIÌWWLQJFDUU\LQJVWUDSDQGFDVWRUV weight 2.6 kg 474 239 248 7180 COMPACT 37 :LWKLQVHUWVGLYLGLQJZDOOVIRULQGLYLGXDOVXEGLYLVLRQRILQWHULRUZLWKRXWGUDZHUVZLWKRSWLRQRIÌWWLQJFDUU\LQJ strap and castors, weight 3.9 1.1 kg 621 311 322 7227 Carrying strap for COMPACT For COMPACT models 37, and 62, attach simply clipping onto special hooks the case, length continuously adjustable from 0.6 kg 540 296 292 7203 COMPACT 62 :LWKLQVHUWVGLYLGLQJZDOOIRULQGLYLGXDOVXEGLYLVLRQRILQWHULRUZLWKGUDZHUVZLWKRSWLRQRIÌWWLQJFDUU\LQJ strap and castors, weight COMPACT Transport and storage case made highly impact-resistant polypropylene, making lightweight and extremely wear-resistant (no dents and cracks, chemically resistant), can also used step thanks its extraordinary stability, has removable tool carrier that can hold the variable CARRY-LITE 55/boxxser programme inserts, double bail handle with integrated locking system prevents case from opening unintentionally, side carrying handles (COMPACT upwards) COMPACT 20 :LWKLQVHUWVZLWKRXWGLYLGLQJZDOOVZLWKRXWGUDZHUVQRRSWLRQRIÌWWLQJFDUU\LQJVWUDSDQGFDVWRUV weight 1. Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.7 kg 540 296 230 7197 COMPACT 47 :LWKLQVHUWVGLYLGLQJZDOOVIRULQGLYLGXDOVXEGLYLVLRQRILQWHULRUZLWKGUDZHUVZLWKRSWLRQRIÌWWLQJFDUU\LQJ strap and castors, weight 4.6 weight only 150 g 1 4059 Set castors for COMPACT 4 swivelling castors, with locking device, for COMPACT models 37, and 62, simple install inserting into bottom case, weight (set) 600 g 1 3656 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .S Design Size Article no