CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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25 4208 Crimping pliers for non-insulated cable lugs FULPSLQJFDEOHOXJVWHUPLQDOSLQV Crimping pliers compound leverage, with ratchet mechanism and locking (pressure point release) Indent crimp 1.5 220 6144 Oval crimp, symmetric 0.5 220 6136 for non-insulated blade terminal connectors, Diamant crimping pliers Roll crimp 0. 2004) non-insulated cable lugs from 1.8 6.5 mm2 , trapezoid crimp, (CIMCO article no. 7731) 1 2000 Q Q Q R Q IS Q IS IS IS IS IS FL FL FL AE .5 mm2 (red blue yellow) symmetric oval crimp, (CIMCO article no.0 215 1918 Crimping pliers for insulated cable connectors Oval crimp 0.5 220 6134 Indent crimp 0. 2002) Knurled screws for easy fastening the inserts hand, 2-component screwdriver with 1000 volt protective insulated blade, for PHILLIPS cross-head screws size (CIMCO article no. Crimping pliers for insulated cable lugs, compound leverage, ZLWKUDWFKHWPHFKDQLVPDQGDGMXVWDEOHORFNLQJ SUHVVXUH SRLQWUHOHDVH GRXEOHFULPSLQJ Crimping pliers Oval crimp, asymmetric, standard 0.5 4206 for insulated cable connectors Oval crimp C S Design for cross section mm2 Size Article no.1 4204 STANDARD crimping pliers set &ULPSLQJSOLHUVZLWKLQWHUFKDQJHDEOHFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVIRUWKHPRVWFRPPRQO\XVHGVWDQGDUGFDEOH connectors, conveniently arranged impact-resistant plastic case Contents: Crimping tool body with automatic ratchet mechanism and adjustable locking device 2QHFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWHDFKIRU insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules from 0.5 mm2 , roll crimp, (CIMCO article no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 268 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.5 325 1909 Indent crimp 325 6146 for non-insulated cable connectors, Diamant crimping pliers Notch crimp 0.5 mm2 , indent crimp, (CIMCO article no.5 220 1916 Oval crimp 10. 2003) non-insulated plug connectors with open crimping ears from 0., 2.0 4210 Crimping pliers for blade terminal connections Crimping pliers for non-insulated blade terminal connectors according DIN 46244 etc.8 4. 2001) insulated cable lugs from 0.3 tab width Crimping pliers compound leverage, with ratchet mechanism and adjustable locking (pressure point release), crimping stranded wires and cable insulation operation Roll crimp 0