CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 269 z 388

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Other inserts can supplied request 1 1868 R Q R F R F R F R R R R D D D . Features: • Lightweight, compact design Without crimping inserts • Variably adjustable telescopic handles Crimping force: kN (total length 560 860 mm) Max. Other inserts can supplied request 1 1867 0HFKDQLFDOKDQGSUHVVXSWRN1 PP2 suitable for crimping connection material maximum conductor cross-section 300 mm2 . travel: mm (total length 580 830 mm) • C-shaped head, can rotated through 360° Additional inserts can supplied scope application Cross section range (mm2 ): Tubular cable lugs and connectors “standard design” 185 Compression cable lugs and compression connectors DIN 46235 DIN 46267, part 185 Aluminium cable lugs and connectors 185 Rounding inserts for and sector-shaped conductors 10sm 240se 185sm Crimping cable lugs DIN 46234 pin-type cable lugs DIN 46230 70 Wire end ferrules 95 Twin wire end ferrules 16 Cutting insert ø For crimping inserts see catalogue page 228 ff.75 325 1902 Crimping pliers ZLWKLQWHJUDOURWDWDEOHSURÌOHGLVFVFRPSRXQGOHYHUDJH Notch crimp 600 1870 Notch crimp 120 970 1872 Notch crimp 120 240 975 1874 Hex crimp 390 1882 Hex crimp 120 650 1880 Hex crimp 530 1884 Hex crimp 150 650 1885 Crimping pliers for compression cable lugs and connectors according DIN 46235/46267 Crimping pliers ZLWKLQWHJUDOURWDWDEOHSURÌOHGLVFVFRPSRXQGOHYHUDJH Hex crimp 390 1883 Hex crimp 650 1886 Hex crimp 150 650 1888 0HFKDQLFDOKDQGSUHVVXSWRN1 PP2 suitable for crimping conductor material maximum cross-section 185 mm2 . Crimping pliers for tubular cable lugs and connectors, “standard design” Crimping pliers compound leverage, with locking device (pressure point release) Indent crimp 0. Features: • For interchangeable inserts DIN 48083, Sheet Without crimping inserts • Lightweight, compact design Crimping force: kN • Variably adjustable telescopic handles Max.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 269 C S Design for cross section mm2 Size Article no. travel: mm • Foldable crimping head can rotated through 360° Additional inserts can supplied scope application cross section range (mm2 ): Tubular cable lugs and connectors “standard design” 300 Compression cable lugs and compression connectors DIN 46235 DIN 46267, part 300 Aluminium cable lugs and connectors 300 Rounding inserts for and sector-shaped conductors 10sm 300se/240sm Crimping cable lugs DIN 46234 pin-type cable lugs DIN 46230 70 Wire end ferrules 240 Twin wire end ferrules 16 For crimping inserts see catalogue page 230 ff