CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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5 2.0 4202 ECONOMY crimping pliers for insulated and non-insulated cable lugs, with wire and screw cutters well insulation stripping device 0.5 mm2 , crimping stranded wires and cable insulation operations Crimp shape insulation stripping range mm2 Oval crimp 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 267 C S Design for cross section mm2 Size Article no.5 4196 for wire end ferrules, front insertion ferrule Trapezoid crimp 0.0 4200 for wire end ferrules Trapezoid crimp 50. Working range diagonal pliers: ËH[LEOH mm2 solid mm2 Working range insulation stripper: mm2 Crimping ranges: 0. Insulation stripping, working range 0. Crimping pliers RSWLPLVHGFULPSVKDSHHVSHFLDOO\VXLWDEOHIRUWKLQQHGRXWÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUVDFFRUGLQJWR,(& Trapezoid crimp 226 6140 RSWLPLVHGFULPSVKDSHHVSHFLDOO\VXLWDEOHIRUWKLQQHGRXWÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUVDFFRUGLQJWR,(& Trapezoid crimp and 226 6142 Wire stripper QUADRO the 4-function pliers IRUHIÌFLHQWDQGSUHFLVHSURFHVVLQJRILQVXODWHGZLUHHQGIHUUXOHVLQVWULSIRUPIURPPP2 Functions 1. Cutting wires and strands 2.5 2.5 mm2 2.14 4190 for wire end ferrules, front insertion ferrule Trapezoid crimp 4192 Crimping tools: for wire end ferrules Trapezoid crimp 10. Multi-function tool DUO CRIMP for cutting off and stripping insulation from conductors and stranded wires, well for crimping non-insulated and insulated wire end ferrules. Twisting; fanning out the wires means safe insertion the conductor into the wire end ferrule &ULPSLQJËDZOHVVFULPSLQJIURPPP2 with professional trapezoid crimp QUADRO case complete 0728 QUADRO pliers with magazine 180 0725 Stripware, see page 307 chapter 21.08 4194 for wire end ferrules, side insertion ferrule Square crimp 2.5 mm2 3.5 mm2 4 mm2 160 0720 Crimping tools Automatic crimping tools: for wire end ferrules, side insertion ferrule Square crimp 0.5 220 1892 ZAE AE ZAE AE AE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE IS