CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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5 2. Set consisting of: • Professional crimping tool for compression connectors (CIMCO article no.5 mm2 and mm2 . Also for twin wire end ferrules from 0. Gold-plated, for coaxial cables Tool set F-compression connectors 6154 Crimping tool for compression connectors 6152 Coaxial cable stripping tool 0098 F-compression connectors (price unit per 100) 2980 Hand crimping pliers for insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules and twin wire end ferrules Trapezoid crimp 0. the connectors and con- GXFWRUVDUHLQVHUWHGLQWRWKHWRROIURPWKHIURQWPDNLQJLWVXLWDEOHIRUZRUNLQKDUGWRDFFHVVSODFHVDQGFRQÌQHG spaces, with innovative precision steel spring component for constant crimping quality even extremely high or low temperatures, adjustable via cam, unlockable forced locking, ergonomically shaped two-component handles with soft padding.5 150 1911 Indent crimp 0.5 220 1945 Crimping pliers with automatic adjustment conductor cross-section Square crimp 0. Square crimp 0. 2980) Double protected against moisture penetration through external sleeve and internal O-ring, outstanding shielding and mechanical strength the cable connection. Thanks the easily adjustable length stop, suitable for crimping compression connectors various lengths and types (F, BNC and RCA connectors).1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 266 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.5 150 1906 Indent crimp 1.5 226 6120 FLEXI-CRIMP front crimping pliers With web lamella die that self-adjusts the conductor cross-section, square crimp with crimp length, rounded inner edges not cut into thin-walled wire end ferrules, front crimping, i. 0098) For quick and precise sheath stripping and insulation stripping coaxial cables (RG 58, 59, 62, 9 and others) single operation.5 mm2 6XLWDEOHIRUDOOFRQGXFWRUW\SHVHYHQWKLQQHGRXWÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUV according IEC 228! Square crimp 0.5 150 1907 Indent crimp 0.e. For connections with high mechanical stress and excellent shielding. Tool set F-compression connectors for creating watertight and therefore weatherproof coax connections, particular for cable and satellite equipment. • 20x F-compression connectors (CIMCO article no.5 230 1904 Indent crimp 10.08 180 1920 Product video Front crimping pliers FLEXI-CRIMP PRO NEW AE AE AE AE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE . Very little manual effort required for crimping. With ergonomic two-component handle sleeves, length 195 mm • Coaxial cable stripping tool (CIMCO article no. With three interchangeable knives; depth cut and distance between cuts are adjustable. Also suitable for angle con- nectors and keystones.0 230 1905 Crimping pliers for wire end ferrules, compound leverage, with UDWFKHWPHFKDQLVPDQGDGMXVWDEOHORFNLQJ SUHVVXUHSRLQW UHOHDVH Crimping pliers Trapezoid crimp 0.25 C S Design for cross section mm2 Size Article no. 6152) Specially for and coaxial cables. 1940, crimping ranges set with selector switch 0.14 210 1940 Front crimping pliers FLEXI-CRIMP PRO Crimping pliers for wire end ferrules mm2 with reliable technology with FLEXI-CRIMP, CIMCO article no