CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
for 3M-ST/AT&T ST/SMA connectors 1 6158 Crimping pliers set DATA TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATIONS &ULPSLQJSOLHUVZLWKLQWHUFKDQJHDEOHFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVIRUDOPRVWDOOFRSSHUDQGÌEUHJODVVEDVHGFDEOLQJ neatly arranged handy, impact-resistant plastic case.07 (0.265 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C S Design Size Article no.52 (0.187”) 5.41 (0.84 (0. Contents: Crimping tool body with automatic ratchet mechanism and adjustable locking device 2QHFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWHDFKIRU lXQVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJV :HVWHUQSOXJV SLQ5- &,0&2DUWLFOHQR lVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJVSLQ5-&$7 +,526(GHVLJQ &,0&2DUWLFOHQR lVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJVSLQ5-&$7 67(:$5767$03,1*GHVLJQ &,0&2DUWLFOHQR lXQVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJV :HVWHUQSOXJV SLQ5- &,0&2DUWLFOHQR • BNC/TNC coaxial plug connectors 55, 58, 59, 62, 174, 8279, (CIMCO article no. for SC-/AMP-SMA-/FC-/PC connectors 1 6156 Hexagonal crimping, crimp sizes: 1.g.162”) - 4.41 (0. 6218) • connector with round crimping, e.133”) 4. 6214) • Screwdriver with 1000 protective insulation for Phillips crosshead screws, size (CIMCO article no.07 (0.38 (0.195”), e.72 (0.213”), e.11 (0.48 (0.068”) 4.042”) 1.72 (0.255”) 220 6138 ECONOMY crimping pliers for Western plugs for unshielded modular plugs, with trimming and stripping tools, interchangeable knives for Western plugs 4-pin (4P4C) and (4P2C) 6116 for Western plugs 6-pin (6P4C) and (6P6C) 6117 for Western plugs 8-pin (8P8C) 6118 &ULPSLQJSOLHUVIRUXQVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJV :HVWHUQSOXJV 4-, and 8-pin 5DWFKHWPHFKDQLVPZLWKDGMXVWDEOHORFNLQJWULPPLQJDQGVWULSSLQJWRROVFRPSRQHQWKDQGOHVIRU5- 3&DQG3& 3& 1 6200 Crimping pliers for shielded modular plugs, 8-pin Ratchet mechanism with adjustable locking, conductors and shielding are crimped single operation, IRU5-&$7 3& for CIMCO design connectors 220 6201 for HIROSE design connectors 220 6202 for STEWART STAMPING design connectors 220 6203 &ULPSLQJSOLHUVIRU)2 ÌEUHRSWLF FRQQHFWRUV with automatic ratchet mechanism and adjustable locking Round crimp, crimp sizes: 1.g.068”) 3.72 (0. 7731) 1 6210 . for SC-/AMP-SMA-/FC/PC connectors (CIMCO article no.95 (0.213”) 6.178”) - 5.042”) 1.75 (0.068”) 3. for 3M-ST-/AT&T-ST-/Amphenol-SMA connectors (CIMCO article no.g.g.151”) 4. 6213) • connectors with hexagonal crimping, e. Crimping pliers for BNC/TNC coaxial plug connectors Ratchet mechanism with compound leverage, with adjustable locking (pressure point release), for data plug connectors for 58/RG 59/RG 62/RG 174, crimp sizes: 1