CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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042”) 1.52 (0.41 (0. Crimping pliers for BNC/TNC coaxial plug connectors Ratchet mechanism with compound leverage, with adjustable locking (pressure point release), for data plug connectors for 58/RG 59/RG 62/RG 174, crimp sizes: 1.133”) 4.07 (0.41 (0.068”) 3.213”), e.38 (0.84 (0. Contents: Crimping tool body with automatic ratchet mechanism and adjustable locking device 2QHFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWHDFKIRU lXQVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJV :HVWHUQSOXJV SLQ5- &,0&2DUWLFOHQR lVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJVSLQ5-&$7 +,526(GHVLJQ &,0&2DUWLFOHQR lVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJVSLQ5-&$7 67(:$5767$03,1*GHVLJQ &,0&2DUWLFOHQR lXQVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJV :HVWHUQSOXJV SLQ5- &,0&2DUWLFOHQR • BNC/TNC coaxial plug connectors 55, 58, 59, 62, 174, 8279, (CIMCO article no. for SC-/AMP-SMA-/FC-/PC connectors 1 6156 Hexagonal crimping, crimp sizes: 1.72 (0.042”) 1. 6213) • connectors with hexagonal crimping, e.11 (0.g. for SC-/AMP-SMA-/FC/PC connectors (CIMCO article no.g.213”) 6.75 (0.g. 6218) • connector with round crimping, e.151”) 4.g.255”) 220 6138 ECONOMY crimping pliers for Western plugs for unshielded modular plugs, with trimming and stripping tools, interchangeable knives for Western plugs 4-pin (4P4C) and (4P2C) 6116 for Western plugs 6-pin (6P4C) and (6P6C) 6117 for Western plugs 8-pin (8P8C) 6118 &ULPSLQJSOLHUVIRUXQVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJV :HVWHUQSOXJV 4-, and 8-pin 5DWFKHWPHFKDQLVPZLWKDGMXVWDEOHORFNLQJWULPPLQJDQGVWULSSLQJWRROVFRPSRQHQWKDQGOHVIRU5- 3&DQG3& 3& 1 6200 Crimping pliers for shielded modular plugs, 8-pin Ratchet mechanism with adjustable locking, conductors and shielding are crimped single operation, IRU5-&$7 3& for CIMCO design connectors 220 6201 for HIROSE design connectors 220 6202 for STEWART STAMPING design connectors 220 6203 &ULPSLQJSOLHUVIRU)2 ÌEUHRSWLF FRQQHFWRUV with automatic ratchet mechanism and adjustable locking Round crimp, crimp sizes: 1.195”), e.068”) 4.48 (0.95 (0. for 3M-ST/AT&T ST/SMA connectors 1 6158 Crimping pliers set DATA TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATIONS &ULPSLQJSOLHUVZLWKLQWHUFKDQJHDEOHFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVIRUDOPRVWDOOFRSSHUDQGÌEUHJODVVEDVHGFDEOLQJ neatly arranged handy, impact-resistant plastic case.72 (0.187”) 5.72 (0.162”) - 4.068”) 3. for 3M-ST-/AT&T-ST-/Amphenol-SMA connectors (CIMCO article no. 7731) 1 6210 .265 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C S Design Size Article no. 6214) • Screwdriver with 1000 protective insulation for Phillips crosshead screws, size (CIMCO article no.07 (0.178”) - 5