CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
75 1.g.5 C S Design Size Article no. Harting, ILME, Phoenix, Amphenol, Walther, HTS, Contact, Weidmüller) 2.35 1. for SC-/AMP-SMA-/FC-/PC connectors (F1) Crimping pliers complete with insert 230 6156 &ULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVORRVHURXQGFULPS Pair 6213 FO connectors with hexagonal crimping, e.g.5 2.8 ø (AWG 20) insulation displacement termination connection boxes and patch panels, professional design with pressure sensor for optimum pressing force, pull-out hooks ECONOMY model 1 8017 KRONE model, pressure sensor and trimming function can switched off 1 8018 ZAE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE . for 3M-ST, AT&T-ST, AMP-SMA connectors (3F2) Crimping pliers complete with insert 230 6158 &ULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVORRVHKH[DJRQDOFULPSLQJ Pair 6214 /RRVHFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVIRUXQVKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJV :HVWHUQSOXJV 3 6-pin, (6P4C), (6P6C) Pair 6211 8-pin, (8P8C) Pair 6212 Please note our crimping pliers sets pages 265 268.14 0. Automatic crimping pliers for turned industrial plug-in contacts Automatic crimping pliers for turned industrial plug-in contacts (e.5 0.5 mm2 1 6126 Insertion tools for LSA-Plus terminals Solder, screw and stripping-free connection and automatic trimming conductors with 0.5 mm2 , AWG: 6 Crimping pliers complete with insert 230 6120 &ULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVORRVHWUDSH]RLGFULPS Pair 2001 insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules according DIN: mm2 RSWLPLVHGFULPSVKDSHSDUWLFXODUO\VXLWDEOHIRUWKLQQHGRXWÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUVDFFRUGLQJWR,(& Crimping pliers complete with insert 230 6140 &ULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVORRVHWUDSH]RLGFULPS Pair 2006 insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules according DIN: and mm2 RSWLPLVHGFULPSVKDSHSDUWLFXODUO\VXLWDEOHIRUWKLQQHGRXWÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUVDFFRUGLQJWR,(& Crimping pliers complete with insert 230 6142 &ULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVORRVHWUDSH]RLGFULPS Pair 2007 VKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJSLQ5-&$7 &,0&2GHVLJQ )4 Crimping pliers complete with insert 230 6201 &ULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVORRVH Pair 6217 VKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJSLQ5-&$7 +,526(GHVLJQ 4 Crimping pliers complete with insert 230 6202 &ULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVORRVH Pair 6215 VKLHOGHGPRGXODUSOXJSLQ5-&$7 6WHZDUW6WDPSLQJGHVLJQ 6 Crimping pliers complete with insert 230 6203 &ULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVORRVH Pair 6216 BNC/TNC coaxial plug connectors 55, 58, 59, 62, 174, 8279, (3A4) Crimping pliers complete with insert 230 6138 &ULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVORRVHKH[DJRQDOFULPSLQJ Pair 6218 FO connector with round crimping, e.264 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules according DIN: 0.5 mm2 1 6124 0.5 mm2 1 6122 0.g