CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
8 0464 1. Available different rope lengths made mm kernmantle rope. Very comfortable as LWLVYHU\OLJKWDQGËH[LEOHRYHULWVZKROHOHQJWKSULPDULO\IRUVWHUQDODSSOLFDWLRQV7HPSHUDWXUHUHVLVWDQWWR}& DEUDVLRQSURRISURWHFWLYHVKHOO&RQWLQXRXVIDOODUUHVWLQJGXHWRHODVWLFÌEUHV'XULQJDIDOOQRVKRFNFUHDWLQJQRLVH from tearing. 10 0475 15 0476 Safety lanyard ERGOGRIP according 358 Safety lanyard for workstation positioning with ergonomically shaped operating element, length 1. Extremely short falling distance: only fall factor 100 falling weight).de I ) Design Size Article no.232 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. The belt can only used places where there risk falling. Weight 250 0468 SHOCKYARD fall damping belt according 355, 354 Fall damper and sling one. 0. Belt length Waist size cm 1400 100 0502 1500 100 110 0504 Crampons according DIN 48345, pole model, with spikes, angled footplate and wide leather counter Spike width 260 for wooden poles 150 240 0550 Warning vest as breakdown vest for car drivers and for use street crews, luminous orange (RAL 2005), PDGHRIPL[HGFRWWRQIDEULF SRO\HVWHUFRWWRQ ZLWKWZRKRUL]RQWDOPPZLGHUHËHFWLYH strips all the way around the vest for best visibility, one size, universal size adjustment via hook loop fastener, according 471 1 2012 Warning triangle EURO RIÌFLDOO\WHVWHGDQGDSSURYHGDFFRUGLQJWR(&GLUHFWLYH(&(5LQDOO(XURSHDQFRXQWULHV optimal warning effect even night, point stand, folds together, plastic tube (445 160 mm), total weight only 1700 g unfolded 440 450 2014 NEW NEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . Guided fall arrester MAGIC according 353-2 The small and light fall arrester runs free both directions.5 and one- KDQGNDUDELQHUPPNHUQPDQWOHURSH7KHURSHLVÌ[HGWRWKHDWWDFKPHQWULQJVRQWKHKDUQHVV 1 0490 Belt sling, mm strong polyamide sling (PA) for industrial use, the round sling wide and has breaking load kN. 1 0500 Safety belt The safety belt has double-pin buckle and two side attachment rings with adjustable length, spliced lanyard.5 0466 Throw bag with eye H[WUHPHO\VWURQJPDWHULDOIRURSWLPXPWKURZLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDQGORQJVHUYLFHOLIHDFFXUDWHDLPZLWKTXLHWËLJKW with steel ring and sewn-on loop