CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Simple handling: open the housing parts the SAFETY BOX, connect the plug and socket and LQVHUWWKHPLQWKHPLGGOHÌ[WKHSOXJFRQQHFWLRQDQGWKHQWXUQRQWKHSRZHU)RUOLQHVZLWKXSWRPPGLDPHWHU IP splash protected, weight 110 g. Once the fuse has been deactivated, an LQVXODWHGHOHFWULFLDQhVVFUHZGULYHU EODGHPD[PP FDQEHXVHGWRÌ[WKH&OLSEORFNDIWHUWKLVWKHORFNLQJ element can secured against reactivation using padlock (CIMCO article no. 600 650 0370 Circuit board cutlery, pieces with different accessory soldering tools special steel that solder does not stick to.233 I ) Design Size Article no. red 2016 Cutout switch lock The secure locking element which can used, for example, for fuses. 175 0350 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . Equipped with 2 pockets and seamed edges. Packaging unit pieces M3 circuit breaker 2600 Padlock for locking device with brass shackle, base body made plastic with two-sided locking disc, with “Do not switch on” SURKLELWLRQVLJQ DFFRUGLQJWR9%* DQGODEHOÌHOG Delivery includes two keys. &RPPHUFLDOÌUVWDLGFDVH according DIN 157, modern design with attractive colouring, splash-proof, dust-tight and maintenance-free, can hung the wall removed from the holder for mobile help site, extremely clear layout thanks to WUDQVSDUHQW$%6KRXVLQJDQGYDULDEOHLQWHULRUSDUWLWLRQLQJRQHKDQGRSHQLQJDQGGHÌQHGRSHQLQJDQJOHZLWK additional externally accessible plaster dispenser, including room thermometer, “First Aid Instructions”, pen, anti-theft protection, with wall bracket, wall plugs and screws 350 370 120 2006 5HÌOOSDFNIRUÌUVWDLGFDVHDFFRUGLQJWR',1 2007 &DUÌUVWDLGNLW according DIN 164, only for cars, not permitted for commercial operations, strong plastic case 225 165 2008 5HÌOOSDFNIRUFDUÌUVWDLGNLWDFFRUGLQJWR',1 2009 SAFETY BOX To protect plug connections power lines against humidity and moisture, well against unintentional separa- tion the plug connection. With fork, stainless steel brush, hook, awl, knife and scraper.), for the holiday and Christmas lighting, also worth recommending for the protection of small children. Ideally suited for use when working with electrical devices outdoors (garden, camping, construction site, boat, etc. Delivery including grounding cable with crocodile clip, wrist band. Bleeder resistance 108 Ohm. 2616) prevent the cutout switch from being switched back on. Weight 192 g 50 2610 50 2612 23 2614 Multi-locking clamp for locking element for use with multiple locking elements, with “Do not switch on” prohibition sign (according VBG 125) DQGODEHOOLQJÌHOG6FRSHRIVXSSO\KRXVLQJZLWKPSURWHFWLRQEDQG 1 2616 ESD service kit practical working mat for mobile application areas, made sturdy dissipative vinyl material. 2612) multi-locking clamp (CIMCO article no