CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 231 z 388

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The practical rope bag contains: Safety harness (EN 361:2002) Fall arrester, mobile, (EN 353-2:2002) Belt sling, 0. The practical rope bag contains: Safety harness, 140 (EN 361/358) Fall arrester, 2. The practical rope bag contains: Safety harness (EN 361) Belt sling metre Guided fall arrester MAGIC m 1 0496 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .5 with front and rear attachment 1 0470 Safety set Standard 2 This set suitable for safe working mobile elevated platforms.8 m 1 0472 Electrician safety set STANDARD This set intended for use repair and maintenance work, e. The stable case steel sheet contains: Safety harness (EN 361/358) Belt sling metre Running safety lanyard ERGOGRIP 1 0495 ROPE BAG electrician safety set 7KLVVHWÌQGVYHUVDWLOHDSSOLFDWLRQLQFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGLQGXVWU\7KHUHFHLYHUULQJVFRUUHVSRQGWRWKH%* [Employer‘s Liability Insurance Association] guidelines for work areas with risk falling. The practical rope bag contains: Safety harness, 140 (EN 361/358) Fall arrester, 1. The combination safety harness and fall arrester make indispensable.g.231 I ) Design Size Article no. Safety harness type Economy Safety harness with chest loop, simple and fast put on, according 361:200 Suitable for all body sizes 0460 Safety harness type C Safety harness with elastic waist belt and click closure Suitable for all body sizes 0462 Set safety harness Economy The versatile set comprises the safety harness with chest loop, which can put quickly and easily.8 m 1 0458 Safety set Standard 1 Versatile set with fall arrester, which keeps the fall distance short possible through the use spring- loaded retracting mechanism, safety harness with additional padding and load-bearing capacity 140 kg. working pitched roofs. The receiver rings the front and the sides correspond the [Employer‘s Liability Insurance Association] guidelines for work areas with risk falling