CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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de C S Design Size Article no. cable diameter mm. cable diameter mm. Can also used the event of overcrowding the cable trays. Max. for cable drums Overall height Weight with diameter 800 2200 1070 7026 800 3200 1635 7027 Adjusting ring for axle diameter 7028 Adjusting ring for axle diameter 7029 Mini cable drum hoist HYDROKAT Hydraulic cable drum hoist, for smaller drum diameters, safe load loading thanks double columns, capacity of XSWRNJSHUSDLUIRXUIROGKHLJKWDGMXVWDEOHD[OHEHDULQJVKHOOOLIWLQJKHLJKWRIPPËRRUVSDFH 400 200 mm with diameter Overall height Weight 500 1100 735 2325 Drum axles made from heavy galvanised tubular steel Capacity Length Axle Weight 3000 1500 2330 8000 1850 2331 8000 2200 2332 Drum axle shells made from galvanised steel for axle diameter 0. Can also used the event overcrowding the cable trays.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 106 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. Max. No further technician required, even when dealing with longer routes! Metal design (red, powder-coated) with four aluminium rollers, arrangement the rollers cable shape (curved) and locking system for the loading and removal cables, retainer for screwing onto the tray. Metal case, dispensing aids, screw retainers 2764 Metal case, dispensing aids, screw retainers 2766 XL additional retainer Width 100 2768 .8 2335 for axle diameter 1.2 2336 Cable laying aids for tray ends and straight sections TAXIMAX Prevention cable damage when dealing with tray ends with sharp edges. Cable drum hoist HYDROKAT Hydraulic cable drum hoist, mobile, can easily positioned one person working the cable drum, safe load loading thanks double columns, 7-step 13-step height adjustment the axle bearing shells via notches, lifting KHLJKWRIPPFDSDFLW\RINJSHUSDLUËRRUVSDFH[PP for cable drums Overall height Weight with diameter 700 2200 1070 2326 700 3200 1635 2328 Cable drum hoist HYDROKAT Design with mounted axle bearing shells, for low-friction unwinding cable drums, protects the drum axles and the axle bearing shells. With lateral elongated holes for the fastening cable ties the trays (if already occupied with cables). further technician required, even when dealing with longer routes! Galvanised, metal design complete with ball bearing-mounted aluminium rollers both sides. Utilisation only combination with adjusting rings. Adjustable for different rung and lattice distances 2760 With chamfered sheet metal 2762 Cable laying aid for TAXIFIX tray offset Prevention cable damage sharp corners